Chapter 10

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The guard walked around the table, grabbed your arm and dragged you across the big factory hall, seeming to head for a corner. Some other workers looked up, but he told all of them to stop staring and continue doing their work.

You were very afraid – and confused. You repeated that question over and over in your head: Aren't you supposed to be dead already?

What did that mean? You had been supposed to get killed. Your worst nightmare had become reality. And what were they going to do now? Was this the end?

Your heart stopped when you realized where that guard was dragging you: To the overseer, who was standing in a corner of the hall. He was a tall, blond-haired man with a strong body, dressed in a black uniform. You had never really "gotten acquainted" with him, but you knew from some observations that he was definitely not a person to be trifled with.

The guard came to a halt in front of him and asked him: "Albrecht, can you tell me why this little brat is still here?"

Albrecht's cold blue eyes fixated on you. You felt so small, so helpless, knowing that you could never stand a chance against a man like this.

"Why?" Albrecht asked.

"Well, she was on the death list for the gas chamber, I know that for sure. But, as you can see, she is still alive now... How can that be? My only explanation would be that she secretly snuck out of the line or something..." the guard explained.

Albrecht raised his brows. "Is that so?"

He turned his attention back to you, his eyes narrowing. "Is this true, did you try to escape?"

You swallowed hard before trying to form an answer. "N-No... I... I have no idea what you're t-talking about... T-This must be a m-mistake..."

Albrecht chuckled and shook his head. He shot a glance at the guard. "Just look at her. Lying through her teeth. And trying to tell us that it's our fault!"

You started to shake. This was not a good sign.

"Maybe she needs to be taught some manners," the guard said.

Albrecht nodded quickly. "I think so too."

Then, without any warning, he grabbed your shoulders and dashed you into the corner behind him. Your back hit the wall with a thump, it hurt very badly. You could feel all the other workers' eyes on you.

Albrecht stepped in front of you and looked down on you with an evil grin on his face. He pulled his leg back and delivered a harsh kick in between your legs. You yelped in pain and felt tears coming up to your face. You couldn't or didn't want to hold them back, so you just allowed them to roll down your cheeks, curling up into a ball.

Both Albrecht and the guard started to laugh. You noticed that there were no other sounds, at least this corner of the hall had turned dead silent. They were all looking at you.

"Pathetic," you heard the guard say. "But we are nowhere near done with her."

They both started kicking you. Every time the tip of a boot rammed a part of your body, you winced in pain. Sometimes you would let out a squeal, when it was a very sensitive spot. You covered your tear-streaked face with your hands, hoping for the ground to just open and swallow you up. Or for you to simply die, since your life was pretty much over anyways.

But none of this happened. Even worse.

Suddenly, one of them hit you really hard in the stomach. It felt like something tore apart inside of you – maybe it did? You shrieked loudly, but they just laughed and made no move to stop.

"Nobody – opposes – to – our – plans," one of them said harshly. I didn't... I don't even know what you're talking about, you thought to yourself while sobbing.

It seemed like an eternity until they finally decided to let you be. Your whole body was hurting, you felt like you didn't have the strength or energy to do anything, not even to cry. Especially the pain you felt in your stomach was almost unbearable.

When you looked down, you were shocked to see that you were covered in blood. There were stains all over your suit. This is it. I'm dying, you thought.

"I think that's enough," you heard one of the men say from above. "Let's leave her."

You heard them walking away, then there was a loud clapping sound. "Nothing to see here! Back to work, you little rats."

You noticed a pool of blood spreading out around you. Everything seemed even blurrier than before. It was all too much for you, your world faded to black.


You slowly opened your eyes to see someone in a striped suit running towards you. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Oh mein Gott!"


You were still lying at the same spot in the corner, in your own blood. Esther kneeled down next to you, her blue eyes wide open in shock. "What did they do to you?" she asked in a worried voice.

You couldn't answer her, you didn't have enough strength left in you to do so. So you just stared back at her with half-lidded eyes.

"I'm not leaving you here," she said. "Come on."

She carefully lifted you up and laid your left arm around her shoulders. You could feel every limb in your body hurt, it made you groan in pain. When you looked up, you saw that the factory hall was empty already.

"Don't worry... I will save you," Esther whispered, slowly starting to walk. "Nobody can stop me from that."

Not even SS guards who are way stronger than you? you thought. You limped along with her, trying your best not to just slump down and give up on everything. After all, you were not afraid of death. You only wished you could say goodbye to Josef before leaving this world...

It didn't take long until you lost your conscience again. This happened multiple times on your way back to the camp, you barely caught anything of it. But Esther didn't give up. She kept on carrying you all the way, not seeming to bother about your weight or the fact that she could get in trouble for saving you any moment. It really surprised you that no one had shot you already. After all, you were no more than a burden from now on.

When you woke up later, you found yourself lying on the floor in your barrack. Esther sat right next to you and some other prisoners had gathered around you as well. They all had worried expressions on their faces and you heard them murmur among themselves.

"She's going to bleed out..."

"It's a real miracle that she's still alive..."

Yes... I agree with you, you thought. Why am I still alive? How do I deserve this?

Suddenly the door of the barrack opened. Light streamed in, you recognized the silhouette of a man with broad shoulders in a long coat standing in the doorway. My doctor.

Everyone in the room froze immediately, including Esther. She stared at Mengele with a fearful expression on her face.

Mengele caught sight of you and started to walk forward with fast steps, towards where you were lying on the floor.

"NEIN!" Esther exclaimed, trying to stop him from taking you. But Mengele was stronger. He just pushed her away and picked you up from the floor, not saying a word.

He carried you out of the barrack. You were not afraid, even if he would kill you. You were just too dazed to care about or feel anything. It would be good even if he'd put you out of your misery. What else was he supposed to do? After all, you were now unable to work. Useless. And as far as you knew, if you weren't able to work as a prisoner in this camp, you died. Doctor, let me die in your arms... I couldn't imagine a better death.

You let your head fall against his chest before you lost your conscience once again.

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