Chapter Twelve alternate

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If nobody is interested in seeing an alternate death for Ramsay then that's fine but I wouldn't bother reading this because that is all this chapter is.

(Y/N) pov

The Battle of the Bastards has just ended and we won Sansa and I are now facing each other from across the courtyard and slowly walk towards each other "told you I would come back" I say with a smile she smiles back and hugs me "where is he (Y/N)?" Sansa asks "I don't know...but Jon does" I say immediately Sansa walks off to find him I follow behind. It doesn't take long for us to find him he is looking over the corpse of Rickon "Jon...where is he?" Sansa asks Jon looks at us both then says "he's in the cells" the two of us walk towards the cells preparing to face Ramsay for the last time.

We get to the cell and we can see Ramsay tied to a chair like I was his face is still drenched in his blood Sansa and I step up to the bars and watch as he slowly wakes up he looks at us both "now this looks familiar" I say "did you enjoy your sleep Ramsay?" I say "as a matter of fact I did the bleeding nose made it a bit hard but I suppose I had that coming" he says as we go silent "you won't kill me either of you, (Y/N) you are a fighter but you aren't a killer not a real killer" he says "and neither will you Sansa I'm a part of you" he says"your name will disappear, your house will disappear all memory of you will disappear" Sansa says I then turn to her "leave him to me" I say "(Y/N)" she says as if she was going to argue with me but decided not to "are you sure?" she asks I nod "I am sure" I say before putting an arm around her waist as I quickly kiss her before opening the cell and closing it behind me as Sansa hesitantly walks away "what are you planning to do to me (Y/N)?...cut out my tongue?, slit my throat?" Ramsay asks mockingly, I draw a dagger from it's sheathe I twirl it between my fingers as I slowly approach the chair he is tied to I hold it up to his face and...I cut the ropes that are keeping him tied down I then drop the dagger on his lap as I step back "pick it up" I say to him as he looks at me as if I'm crazy once he realises that I'm serious he takes the dagger in his bloodied right hand and he slowly gets to his feet he staggers towards me and attempts to slash me across the chest but he is so tired that he can barely swing his arm he tries again but this time I catch his wrist and I pry the dagger from his hand as I drag him to the wall I then drive the dagger through his hand as he screams out in agony as blood trickles down the stone walls. Ramsay stops himself from moving as ever time he moves the hand pinned to the wall the cut grows larger "heh...maybe I was wrong about you (Y/N)...I can tell that you are enjoying this right now" he says as he looks at me "giving you a quick death is more than you deserve and I still think you haven't suffered enough" I say as I deliver a strong left hook that lands right against his jaw as a sickening crunch could be heard whilst more blood pours from his mouth as his hand splits from the knife leaving a large cut inbetween his index finger and his middle finger. By this point Ramsay can't decide what to scream out in pain for so instead he goes silent "no matter what I do to you it won't be tormented Sansa and I cannot express how fucking angry it makes me...every night I see what you did to her...every night I remember how I failed her and I hate myself for it...but I hate you more!" I say to him as he lies near unconsciousness which somehow makes me angrier so I grab him "wake up!...WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP!" I yell as I slam his head against the ground but all I get in response is the sound of Ramsay choking on his own blood I back up and watch as he dies his slow breathing stops and all is left is the sound of blood flooding his mouth, but something comes over me a sudden blind rage I decide that even though he is dead he needs to be seen as a message so I grab the dagger I turn it around and I stab him in the chest repeatedly. After about twenty eight times I stop I drop the dagger and I stare at my hands which are stained with blood as the sudden realisation of how much I was becoming like him by acting this way makes break down I get up and I stumble out of his cell to see Sansa and tell her that he is gone.

Now I realise that this might have been a bit much to be believable but I thought it would be cool to see (Y/N) loose control and have a mental breakdown of sorts and's Ramsay he deserves it.

Game of Thrones (Male reader X Sansa insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя