Chapter Nineteen

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A three hours after we allowed Jaime to stay and fight we stand by a map preparing for the Night Kings attack "the dead march from the North roughly one hundred thousand wights which include giants and at least a dozen white walkers behind them" Jon says "while the Night King rides on the dragon" I say "we will have ten thousand Dothraki cavalry facing them being led by Ser Jorah" Daenerys says "behind them we have a line of trebuchet's and behind them roughly eight thousand unsullied" Sansa says "on the left we have several thousand Stark men, freefolk and knights of the vale who will be led by Brienne and Tormond" Jon says "on the right several thousand more Stark bannermen and members of the brotherhood without banners" Arya says "and inside Winterfell there will be some additional reserves prepared to man the walls with archers and the civilians taking shelter inside" Lady Mormont says "Rhaegal and Drogon will be a reserve" Daenerys says "am I the only one seeing flaws with this?" I say to myself "the Dothraki will charge the dead" Daenerys says "then the trebuchet will fire on the wights" Jon says "this isn't right" I say to myself "I have to say something!" I say to myself as Jon talks more about their strategy.

"Pardon me for interrupting but this heavily flawed" I say which causes everyone to look at me "well then what do you propose?" Daenerys says in an irritated tone "while you are correct on killing the Night King what you have proposed does not give us enough time we should plan our defence with the goal of holding them back whilst the Night King is hunted down and killed" I say as all of a sudden everyone is closely paying attention to me "we should also expand our trenches rather than just the one small line we should have several lines the first one should be two hundred and fifty metres from the castle walls and it would be an unmanned barricade which should break the enemy charge and bundle them together where the trebuchet can fire on them along with the dragons leaving lines of fire" I say as I mark a line on the map "and what if we don't have enough time to make the barricade?" Lady Mormont asks "have axe men go out with carts pulled by Dothraki horses to maximise the speed of transporting the wood to the correct position we should have additional workers ready to cut off branches and turn them into stakes with the help of women and children who are able to help instead of herding them into the Crypts" I say looking at Sansa who nods "for the line after that we should leave a one hundred and fifty metre gap between the two for the Dothraki to charge at the ones who get past next at one hundred metres out from the castle walls will be a trench which can be excavated to build the next line of defence it will slow them down as they got into archer range giving our men enough time to light the bastards up" I say as everyone's confidence in my plan has rapidly grown "although the only minor problem is that we will need planks for the men retreating to get over" I say "then finally fifty metres out will be a manned barricade who will not get surrounded as the archers will be firing above them and their backs will be at a wall" I say "and if we have to retreat from that line?" Daenerys asks "then we will retreat behind the walls as an archer will light the barricade" I say confidently "and for the final phase we will use piled up dirt against the gates and fortify any structural weak points with bricks" I say "dragonfire can destroy bricks (Y/N) if the Night King has viserion fire upon the walls they will fall" Daenerys says "then kill it before it gets the chance" I say looking Daenerys in the eye as she seems angered by what I have said however everyone agrees with this plan including Jon as well as the northern lords who seem to have respect for me now, they all leave apart from Sansa, Jon and I "(Y/N) since when have you been that good with planning battles?" Jon asks "since after the battle of the bastards when you wouldn't listen to Sansa and I, I decided to read up on former military tactics good thing I learned how to read" I joke as Sansa hugs me then kisses me "that was amazing (Y/N) you looked so calm and focused" she says "I was terrified that I would miscalculate something that could have gotten more of us killed" I say "you should be more confident about're a good commander" she says before we leave the room to sleep away our worries until the next day.

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