Chapter Seven

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I wake up in the middle of an empty hall tied up my shirt is gone and blood is dripping from my nose I look up to see a man with scruffy hair sitting in front of me "where the hell am I!" I yell "where is Sansa?!" I yell at him "you are in Winterfell I don't know where Lady Sansa is" he says his voice is familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it "who are you?" I ask he twitches slightly "I'm reek" he replies "reek? The fuck kind of name is that!" I say "wait come closer" I say slowly getting an idea of who he is he steps forward so that he is right in front of me "look at me" I say he slowly lifts his head to reveal his face Theon Greyjoy I quickly headbutt him, he falls to the ground "I'm going to kill you Theon!" I yell "Reek! My name is Reek!" He yells back "I will kill you in the slowest way imaginable for what you done you killed Bran and Rickon you betrayed Lord Stark and Robb!" I yell as theon shakes his head "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He says as he cries "sorry? You're sorry, sorry doesn't bring them back...does Sansa know?" I ask theon nods "why? Why are you here?" I ask "I serve Lord Ramsey" he says "was it him that broke you?" I ask "what?" He replies "I know a broken man when I see one so I'll ask again what did he do?" I say as a door opens to reveal Ramsay "go on Reek tell him how I welcomed you into my house" he says "oh wait, why don't you show him" he says with a wide grin as Theon or "Reek" pulls down his clothes I immediately look away despite there being nothing to look at I turn my attention to Ramsay "you sick fuck! Is this your idea of fun do you get off to doing shite like that?" I yell as Ramsay smiles "as a matter of fact I do I really do now the real question is what am I going to do with you?" He says "Sansa speaks fondly of you begged me to forgive you for your attack on Lord Baelish however you must be punished" he says as he grabs a small knife and smiles "I'll return when I think of a fun way to punish you in the mean time" he says as he jams the knife into the cross which I am strapped to "get some rest because it is going to be a long night" he says as he turns around and walks outside.

Timeskip one hour

I wake up to see Ramsay staring at me "I've heard some very interesting news (Y/N)" he says "oh and what is that?" I ask "according to Lord Baelish you are in love with Sansa Stark" he says "and you believe him and here I thought you were smart" I say "well see I thought that too then I realised why would you have gone through all that trouble to save her, why would you go with her to the Vale, why would you threaten Lord Baelish after he kissed her and why would you have responded so violently when you heard about the marriage that you attacked him in the middle of a courtyard if you didn't love her" he says "I'm right aren't I?" He says with a grin "so here is your punishment you have hid your love for her for years but now i will show everyone including her that your heart belongs to her" he says as he grabs the knife and points it at my chest he slowly starts to carve into me as I grunt in pain he carves slowly across my chest and with each inch he moves the blade I fight the urge to scream in pain, it continues for some time but eventually he stops "Perfect...would you like to see what I've done?" He asks I don't respond all I do is look him in the eyes and say "I will kill you" he chuckles "Reek bring the mirror" he says Theon immediately runs to get a mirror he comes back after five minutes and hands it to Ramsay who then turns it to me and all I can see carved in my chest is my blood running down my body and in big letters is "SANSA" he puts the mirror on the table then says "well I must be of in case you did not know it is my wedding day I am very much looking forward to it unfortunately you can't come (Y/N) don't worry though I'll have another thing for you tonight" he says with a smile as he walks out "come along Reek I have a job for you" with that Reek runs out behind Ramsay leaving me alone in front of the mirror and all I can do is stare at the name carved in my chest.

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