Chapter Twenty Two

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I wake up in bed lying face down with my arm lying over the side, I groan and roll over onto my back and I see Sansa getting dressed I pretend to be asleep as I watch her dress "I know you are awake (Y/N)" she says I sit up "can't we just stay here" I say "as much as I want to Jon and Daenerys wants to talk to us all you, me, Bran and Arya" she says as she walks up to me I hug onto her waist as she holds my head against her chest "then...we will spend some time together just us" she says "now get dressed" she says as she walks outside.

We sit in the map room Sansa, Arya and I stand opposite Daenerys, Greyworm and Missandei as Jon, Tyrion, Davos and Varys stands in between us discussing the plan to take Kings Landing "and the Golden company has arrived in Kings Landing courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet and the balance has grown distressingly even" Varys says "when the people find out what we have done for them...we saved them" Missandei says "Cersei will make sure they don't believe it" Daenerys says looking at her friend before looking back at the board "we have to hit her hard rip her out root and stem" she says "the objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying Kings Landing" Tyrion says looking at the Dragon Queen "thankfully she is losing allies by the day Yara Greyjoy has regained control of the Iron Islands in the queen's name, the new prince of Dorne pledges his support" Varys interrupts "no matter how many Lords stand against her as long as she is sitting on the Iron Throne she can call herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms" Daenerys says as she looks Varys in the eye "we need the capital" she says as Tyrion nods " I watched the people of Kings Landing rebel against their King when they were hungry and that was before winter began. Give them the opportunity and they will cast Cersei aside." Tyrion says calmly "we'll surround the city" Jon says as we all look at him "if the Iron Fleet try to ferry in more food the dragons will destroy them. If the Lannisters and the Golden company attack we will defeat them" Jon says looking at Daenerys "once the people see that Cersei is their only enemy her reign is over" Tyrion says everyone goes quiet until Daenerys speaks up "alright" she says agreeing with the plan "the men we have left are exhausted" Sansa says "many of them are wounded they'll fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate" Sansa says which means we can't send anyone with them "how long do you suggest?" Daenerys asks in an irritated tone as Jon looks between the two concerned "can't say for certain not without talking to the officers" Sansa replies "I came north to fight alongside you with great a cost to my armies and myself now that the time has come to reciprocate you want to postpone" Daenerys says clearly unhappy "it's not just our people it's yours, you want to throw them into a war they're not ready to fight" Sansa retaliates "the longer I leave my enemies the stronger they become" Daenerys says staring us down we stare back not blinking once "the Northern forces shall honor their promises" Jon says "they made no promises" I say "you promised, you said we would fight instead of showing them that the whole war with Cersei was pathetic compared to the war with the dead but instead you bent the knee" I say to Jon I then turn to Daenerys "and you gave them one of their strongest weapons during that battle" I say referring to her dragon Daenerys is angered by this "so if we are in an agreement Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kings road with the Northern forces, the Dothraki and unsullied as well as a small group of us will sail to White Harbour" Tyrion says "and from there to Dragonstone with our Queen and her dragons from above, Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here as a guest to the Lady of Winterfell" Tyrion says "we have won the great war. Mow we will win the last war. In all seven kingdoms men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful Queen" Daenerys says as an odd grin appears on her face as Jon looks at the three of us as if too say "I don't know what to say" before we all leave some of us more displeased than others as I leave I can hear the faint ranting of the Dragon Queen.

Sansa, Arya Bran and I all wait by the Weirwood tree for Jon he said he needed to talk to us about something important. After waiting for a few minutes Jon slowly walks up to us "you understand we'd all be dead without her" Jon says "we'd be corpses marching down to Kings Landing" he says "Arya is the one who killed the Night King!" Sansa says "her men gave their lives defending Winterfell!" Jon says "and we will never forget that. That doesn't mean that I want to kneel to someone" Sansa replies "I swore myself and the North to her cause" he says "I respect that" Arya says breaking her silence "you respect it?" Sansa asks the two sisters look at each other "we needed her, we needed her army her did the right thing and we're doing the right thing telling you that we don't trust your Queen" Arya says "you don't know her yet" Jon says "got a good idea already" I say sarcastically Jon ignores what I said "we'll never know her she's not one of us" Arya says "if you only trust the people you grew up with you won't make many allies" Jon says "that's alright" she says "I don't need many allies" she says "Arya-" Jon tries to say before being interrupted "we are family. The four of us." she says not mentioning me due to my relationship with Sansa "the last of the Starks" she says "I've never been a Stark" Jon replies "you are." Sansa says "just as much Ned Starks child as any of us" she says "you're my brother. Not my half brother or my bastard brother. My brother" Arya says Jon pauses clearly he wants to tell us something "it's your choice" Bran says which causes us to look in confusion "what do you mean?, Jon?" I ask "I need to tell you something" Jon says "but you have to swear you'll never tell another soul" he says as he looks at us I nod "I swear it" I say as Sansa and Arya look at me "what is it?" Arya asks "you have to swear it before I tell you" he replies "how can I promise to keep a secret if I don't even know what it is?" Sansa asks "because we're family" Jon says with a sincere look on his face "swear it" Jon says looking at Arya "I swear it" she replies Jon nods at her before looking to Sansa "I swear it" she says looking at jon. Jon takes a deep breath pauses then says "my real".

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