Chapter Nine

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Sansa and I are still kissing however our moment is interrupted when the door opens Sansa steps back and sits on the edge of her bed as Theon walks in "what do you want" Sansa says "Lord Ramsay has requested your presence" he says "why did you do it?" She asks "do what?" He says nervously "tell Ramsay that I wanted to leave why tell him that I tried to send a raven to Castle Black" she says "I...I was afraid the things he said he would do to me, you and (Y/N)" theon says "for two nights he tortured me with the thought that (Y/N) might be dead he told me to wait and see if he rots then only when there is nothing but bones will he take him out of my room, he raped me in my own home in front of two people I grew up with how could it get any worse than that!" Sansa yells at him he looks at the ground then says "it can always get worse" he replies.

The door opens again to reveal a woman with long dark hair "there you are Reek hurry up Ramsay wants to see his wife and lover boy there in the chair" she says as she cuts my bindings I get up and my chest still hurts I slowly follow behind the woman until we get halfway across a bridge she stops in her tracks turns around and reveals a bow and arrow she draws it back and aims at Sansa "I should kill you for taking him from me but-" at this point I'm done I grab the arrow out of her hand and I stab her in the neck with it before pushing her off the bridge "run!" I yell to Sansa she runs past me as I follow behind eventually the alarm blares out and the sound of guards approaching grows louder we reach the wall and I look over to see a drop into what is likely freezing water "we have to jump" I say to Sansa "go I'll tell them it was me" theon says "what?!" Sansa and I both say "I will tell Ramsay that she was aiming the bow at me so I killed her then he won't suspect that you two have escaped" he says "thank you Theon" Sansa says "we have to jump now!" I say as I take Sansa's hand and I help her stand on the wall I quickly kiss her before I gently push her off then I jump in after her leaving theon to face Ramsay.

I slowly drag myself out of the cold muddy water I look around for Sansa only to find her behind me climbing out the water I grab her arm and I pull her out of the water before running in the opposite direction of Winterfell "where are we going?" She asks "Castle Black you sent a raven there for a reason clearly we have someone we can trust there" I say as I can hear sounds of horses rapidly approaching I turn around and see four horses approaching from Winterfell I have no weapon so all I can do is pick up a branch and hold it like a sword I prepare to attack until from behind me I hear is "get down!" I immediately drop down and watch as the horse riders are killed by a woman in black armour and a man possibly older than me the two fight off the Bolton soldiers and dismount their horses to greet us "hello there I am Brienne of Tarth you must be Sansa Stark" she says looking at Sansa "and you must be (Y/N) (L/N)" she says "I am" I reply "I am here on a sworn oath from your mother Lady Sansa that I would protect you" Brienne says "join the cue" I say sarcastically which causes Sansa to giggle as Brienne looks in confusion "Podrick and I are here to escort you to Castle Black" she says as Podrick leads a horse over to me and hands me the reigns I mount up as Podrick hands Sansa the reigns to another horse however she walks up to me "may I ride with you (Y/N)?" She asks I nod and hold out my hand she takes this and climbs up and sits in front of me I grab the reigns and pull on them so that the horse follows Brienne and Podrick, Sansa leans back and kisses my cheek "thank you (Y/N) I wouldn't have survived without you" she says "I told you before I'll always keep you safe and I'll kill anyone who would harm you I love you Sansa Stark and I always will" I reply as we begin the trip to Castle Black.

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