Chapter Seventeen

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It has been roughly three months since Jon left for dragonstone and today we have received news that he is coming back although it is with Daenerys and her army as well as her dragons. Sansa, Arya and I know that this won't go well with the Lords of the North a stranger coming and assuming control and the fact she is a Targaryen makes it worse. I stand with Sansa watching as the large army marches towards Winterfell then the loud sound of a dragon flying overhead echoes throughout the north Sansa and I stare in awe at the size of the dragon. Sansa, Bran and I wait by the gate for Jon and Daenerys, the wooden gate opens to reveal Jon and Daenerys on horses In front of the army the two dismount and immediately Jon walks up to Bran and hugs him he smiles at his brother he thought was dead "look at're a man" he says "almost" Bran replies in his usual monotone voice as Jon looks at him in confusion he then faces me "it's good to see you (Y/N) glad to see that helping Sansa rule hasn't drove you mad" he jokes "it's good to see you too Jon and I barely done anything it was all her" I say looking at Sansa as she smiles then from behind Jon Daenerys comes up to greet us "Daenerys this is my sister Lady Sansa Stark of Winterfell" Jon says as he stands in the middle of the two who seem to be sizing each other up "thank you for inviting us into your home Lady Stark the north is as beautiful as your brother claimed as are you she says" with a smile "Winterfell is yours your grace" Sansa reluctantly says "we don't have time for all of this" Bran says catching everyone's attention "the Night King has your dragon he is one of them now, the wall has fallen and the dead march south" he says which causes us all to breathe heavy as we know what comes for us.

"As soon as we heard about the wall I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell, Lord Umber" Sansa says as a small boy leans forward "when can we expect your people to arrive?" She asks the little lord walks forward we need more horses and wagons my lady...and my lord...and your grace" he says nervously "you'll have as many as we can spare hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here" she says as Lord Umber bows "Send ravens to the Nights Watch as well" Jon says "there is no sense of maning the castles now we make our stand here" he says "at once your grace" the maester says "your grace" Lady Lyanna Mormont says getting everyone to look at her she stands up and walks infront of the table six of us sit at "but you're not are left Winterfell a King and came back...I don't know what you are now a lord? nothing at all? " she says "it's not important" Jon says as Lady Mormont, Sansa and I look at him with disbelief "not important? We named you King in the North" she says as the northerners agree with her "you did my Lady" Jon says "it was the honor of my life I'll always be grateful for your faith" he says, he stands up "but when I left Winterfell I told you that we need allies or we will die" he says as Lady Mormont sits back down "and I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us I had a choice...keep my crown or protect the North I chose the North" Jon says which causes some mixed reactions amongst the Lords. Then Tyrion Lannister stands in front of them "if anyone survives the war they will have Jon Snow to thank" he says as he points at Jon "he risked his life to show us the threat is real thanks to his courage we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen we have brought two full grown dragons and soon the Lannister army will ride North to join our cause" he says which is the last straw I stand up "was this the words that came from Cersei Lannisters mouth?" I ask Tyrion nods "and you believed her?" I ask he nods again "how stupid are you! You took the word of Cersei Lannister! and you haven't thought for one second that she was lying! For all we know she will leave us to fight the Night King while she regains her land! The word of that woman means as much as my family name means!" I yell which catches everyone at the table by surprise except for Sansa the lords are now furthering my point "I know I know our people haven't been friends in the past but we must fight together now or die" Tyrion says.

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