Chapter Fourteen

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It has been a week since Jon was named King in the North and so far it had been quiet until today.  He has called for a meeting with the northern houses they sit on the benches at either side of the hall as Sansa and I sit at the table in front of them all he holds up a letter "This message was sent to me from Samwell Tarly, he was my brother at the Nights Watch, a man I trust as much as anyone in this world.  He's discovered proof that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragonglass" he says as he hands the letter to a Lord sitting in front of him "I received this" he says holding another letter "a few days ago from was sent to me by Tyrion Lannister" he says as soon as the name "Lannister" comes out of his mouth the northerners scoff showing their dislike for the man "he is now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen" Jon says which surprises a few of the men "she intends to take the iron throne from Cersei Lannister she has a powerful army at her back...and if this message is to be believed three dragons" Jon says nobody believes this and I myself am somewhat skeptical about this "Lord Tyrion has invited me to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys...and I'm going to except" he says as the Lords disagree with this "we need this dragonglass my lords.  We know that dragonglass can destroy both white walkers and their armies we need to mine it and turn it into weapons...but more importantly we need allies the Night Kings army grows bigger by the day we can't defeat them on our own we don't have the numbers, Daenerys has her own army and she has dragon fire...I need to try to persuade her to fight with us...Ser Davos and I will ride for White Harbour tomorrow and sail for Dragonstone" Jon says Sansa leans forward "have you forgotten what happened to our grandfather? The Mad King invited him to Kings Landing and roasted him alive" she says annoyed by Jon's plan as the Lords agree with her "I know that" Jon says "she is here to reclaim the iron throne and and the seven kingdoms the north is one of those kingdoms! This isn't an invitation it's a trap!" She says as the people take her side as I observe not being the best with this game "it could be" Jon says "but I don't believe Tyrion would do that you know him" Jon says "he's a good man" he says as a man from the back stands "your grace with respect I must agree with Lady Sansa I remember The Mad King all too well a Targaryen cannot be trusted nor can a Lannister" he says to Jon as the men agree with the mans point when another much older man stands up and says "we named your brother King and he rode south and lost his kingdom" then Lady Mormont stands "Winter is here your grace we need the King in the North in the North" she says as sounds of someone banging on the table echoes throughout the hall Jon looks around "you all crowned me your King I never wanted it I never asked for it but I accepted it because the north is my home it's part of me and I will never! Stop fighting for it no matter the odds but the odds are against us none of you have seen the army of the undead none of you we can never hope to defeat them alone we need her we need allies powerful allies" he says he then turns to face Sansa and I "I know it's a risk but I have to take it" he says "then an emissary" Sansa says as she stands "don't go yourself" she says "Daenerys is a queen only a king can convince her to help us it has to be me" he says "you are abandoning your people! You are abandoning your home!" She yells "I'm leaving both in good hands" Jon interrupts "whose?" Sansa asks "yours" he replies which surprises her "you are my sister you are the only Stark in Winterfell until I return the north is yours....and (Y/N)s" he says which causes an uproar I stand "Jon surely you can't be serious I mean I can understand why you left Sansa in  charge but why me as well" I ask "(Y/N) you  are my oldest friend and I trust you with my life and so does Sansa, you are the only one she could talk too in confidence that is why you are also in charge" he says as he walks out leaving the whole hall silent as they look to us.

Game of Thrones (Male reader X Sansa insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora