Chapter fifty nine

Start from the beginning

I felt the glare of her eyes at the back of my head, and I chuckled. Nothing got pass her. But, if Kendall didn't mention it then I didn't need to either, it was between us.

"What'd you mean?" He asked

"I mean, do you know if Andrew did something why kendall won't speak with him?"

I paused waiting for his answer.

"I ah, I didn't even know they weren't speaking"

"You're both idiots if you think I'm stupid" she said walking off.

When she was out of war shot, Brian walked over pretending to help me work.

"Are you crazy getting me involved in your bullshit?"

"Stop whining, you did well"

"Well, just in case you don't understand the situation I'm the one sleeping with her not you, if she thinks I know anything-"

"Which you don't "

"Which I do" He responded meeting my gaze. "She'll hang me by my feet"

"I'd suggest you get rid of all the kinky stuff you're into then" I said with a smile.

"You're an asshole. She's going to find out"

"Not from me" I looked him in the eye saying it. "And not from you either or you can forget about having a job"

"You owe me one" Brian said walking off. "A big one"


I got up early after heading out for my run at five, returning at six picking up the morning paper before heading home for breakfast. I was forcing myself back to normality, I was still me even without a woman around. After finishing my shower I climbed down the stairs with the towel around my neck walking into the kitchen with kitty following obediently behind. Ever since that night at the Henderson's the two of us have become lovely friends-close. Sometimes a little too close for comfort. As if sensing that I was the only occupant of my very large home, the dog made its sake of my living room rug, it's bed since the last few days. Now I was stuck with babysitting him whenever I came home.

I grabbed the bag with his dog food and also two eggs from the refrigerator placing them on the table before heading over to his new bowl to pour his food and water, he didn't even wait until I was finished before dipping his head in gobbling up everything. As if he was more hungry than I was.

Throughout the night I'd spent sometime in the computer after talking to dad, with the new renovations of the town, they were expecting even more people to move into residence and more people meant more work. I'd been putting off expanding the shop for a while now and thinking of everything maybe it was time. Ofcourse with an expansion I'd need more staff to get things done. I couldn't handle everything and as reliable as Brian was when his conscience got through to him, he probably on his own won't be able to either. My father thought it was a great idea, offering to have Nowell volunteer at the start of the job but the thought of having another annoyance along with tino and Brian wasn't a bright idea. I didn't need to have all three of them being disgusting and with Nowell as aid, the other two would flourish bright. I couldn't have that.

Next on the agenda was Ziploc. We needed to talk and at the moment she seemed to be as busy as I was with work. It should have been a small comfort but it wasn't. At some point, she'd return, but July was ending soon, another entire day to go before she left and she wasn't here yet. All other attempts to call her again failed and if I never felt useless before in my life, I felt useless today.

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