Chapter thirty

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I was surprised seeing her text this morning and the first thought that came to mind was to get the hell over there. I don't know why my first reaction was to find her but something told me she wasn't doing well. Sure she left after lunch and I went back to the garage. I didn't think I needed to watch over her, she was partially grown and seemed to have her life slightly figured out but sending a message at that time yeah, I knew She screwed up.

When I got to her door step I wished she wasn't home, that way I'd clear my conscience of ever ignoring her message, but when she didn't answer on the first knock my hands kept rapping at the door for some strange reason and finding out she'd have no recollection of the message only served to be a punch in the stomach. I could have gone the day without seeing her, for Pete sakes I had other things in my life to attend to. But the moment she stepped though the door I knew I was way in over my head. Shit! I didn't plan for this.

"Get it together andrew, we're only helping her get back on her feet" I mumbled to myself softly. Hopefully we'll save ourself front row tickets to tear city.

"Oh my gosh is he yours?"

I glanced over at them momentarily before returning my eyes to the road. She was stroking the little terrier who had hopped a ride in my truck this morning with his owner on our way to the lake. The nuisance decided to tag along when he saw me enter the truck again as if deciding that he had to see what and where I was heading to. Damn snitch, I bet he'll tell his mother where I went off to the moment we got home.

"No, he's too annoying" I responded.

She held him tightly and the animal sat with his tongue hanging out his mouth. Clearly he was enjoying himself, I rolled my eyes. He was acting coy with her but we both knew the real story behind his seemingly cute behavior.

"Its hard to believe you hate dogs"

"I don't, but if he takes your shoe every morning" I explained ensuring to stress the word every. "Then he wouldn't be your favourite person in the world either"

"I highly doubt that" she replied softly. "He's so sweet"

"You wanna take him then, cause I certainly won't mind"

"I thought you said he wasn't yours?" Kenzy asked as I parked the car.

"He's not, doesn't mean I won't try to get rid of him. I need my shoes without drool and bites"

Ziploc laughed but I was dead serious. I eyed the terrier as we walked along the shore and he ensured to stay on the other side of kenzy as she walked edging closer to the water with very step. During the time we talked at her house I tried to go through a list of places she'd probably enjoy, then it dwindled to the places I enjoyed. The beach itself would be packed with people so that left me one place.

"Crap, there's so much rocks"

"Were almost there"

"You said that five minutes ago" she wined.

I stopped walking and stared at her slightly annoyed. "You wanna go or not?"

"Not" she sat on a rock in defiance. "I'm sorry, I'm tired andrew"

I glanced back down the beach, we didn't have much further to go but she was definitely weary of the trek. Even kitty had stopped for a rest. If it wasn't for the large boulders, our walk would have been less tedious but there was no hell of a way I was ever staying here. I walked over and gently scooped her up into my arms as she sat nursing her heels.

"Andrew?" She said lowly.

"Its not what you think. If we stay here I'd be really pissed"

"Um okay, but just.... Let me walk"

"It's fine" I replied. "You're not that heavy"

I glanced behind me to ensure the dog was following, the last thing I needed was having Mrs. Henderson on my case more often than her usual. When we got to the other side of the rocks, I placed her down gently and she sped into the water. I felt a small smile form on my lips at her spontaneity and liveliness and went off to find shade to hide the sun. She splashed about with the dog for a while before running back to where I sat half soaked.

"Well aren't you coming to enjoy the water?" She asked flashing her hair around getting rid of the excess water.

" No, I'm fine"

"What! No" she replied pulling my arms. "What's the point of coming to the beach if you're not willing to get wet?"

To get wet, I ran the words through my head again.

"You really don't want the answers I'm about to give" I replied diverting my eyes from her to the water.

Thankfully it wasn't rough today so she could more than enjoy herself to her heart's contentment, I frowned realising I hadn't even thought of getting us something to eat while we were here. I rolled my eyes internally, I'd make better plans for next time, I only decided on this an hour or so ago, no need to be so hard on myself.

Really, next time? You're planning on another time already? Shit you've really crossed the line this time andrew.

No I was trying to be supportive, nothing more nothing less. She needed my- I'm just trying to be friendly that's it.

Yeah right, just friendly.

"Come on" she said pulling my hand. "The water is great and I'd feel awful if you stayed here on your own watching us"

"I'm fine ziploc"

She stared at me for a second before stepping away pulling her top over her head revealing a blue bra and dropped it to her side before walking backwards to the water.

"If you don't come to the water I'll take the water to you instead"

"You wouldn't dare"

"I do dare Mr. Steinman and that's not the only thing I dare. I dare that you're scared that I'd make you lighten up for once"

I chuckled. "I doubt that"

"Well then andrew" she placed a drawl on my name smiling widely. "Prove me wrong, I dare you"

She started to laugh walking further from the sand into the water and I sat wavering my mind a little.

This wasn't a good idea andrew, just stay on the beach, don't give in. She won't remember a thing.

"Oh f*** it" I mumbled getting off my ass and running in after her. I grabbed her by the waist and jumped into the water with the dog by our side, her surprised squeal piercing the air before it turned into small laughter.

Last JulyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon