Chapter forty six

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The moment I stepped through the door I met Gale coming down the stairs. She paused staring at me. I closed the door and walked to the kitchen placing the liquor onto the counter top, grabbing a glass of water. Returning I found she hadn't moved from where I left her. I sighed, nothing changed about how I saw our situation, I wasn't getting over it and I didn't want to stay around her long enough to talk about it either.

"Good morning" I said passing her on the stairs.

She didn't respond only looked away, but I continued anyway. I relinquished my clothes heading for the shower, after the brunt force of cold last night, I was in grave need of a warm bath. I turned realising she had entered, gazing at her awhile before returning my eyes back to the shower. I hadn't spoken to her in what two and a half days maybe. A few months ago, I'd say that was the longest were spent apart, even worse now since we're both in the same house but that was a lost memory likewise. She entered the shower, nudging her way into the spray of the water. Her hair hung in curls down her back, streams of water running from her head. She never let her hair down while talking a bath. The thing about Gale was she thought of anything that could potentially happen, like right now when she only decided that she wanted to take a bath with me. I grabbed a small scrunchie from the side of the bath and caught her hair in a long tail. Her head turned slightly in my direction before she grabbed the gel. At first I thought she was just shivering but after a while her shaking became more violent until she leaned her head against the wall. She was crying. I reached out pulling her into my person as she continued to cry.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Andrew"

"Not right now "

"When, you haven't come home in two days, you don't talk to me"


"I am sorry, andrew, but I can't do this. You won't talk to me....and I just can't....I can't"

" Shhh" I whispered against her lips. "Calm down"

Despite that I held her, she still cried in my arms. I lifted her from the bath drying her with a towel, her eyes red and slightly swollen, her nose too, slightly pink. We walked back to bed and I laid against her for awhile. I didn't want to talk about it, not with her, not with how I felt. My head started to ache again at her bringing it up. She had calmed down I noticed. I couldn't stay like this though, I needed to be on my own. I was inbetween telling myself that none of this was actually real and realising that this wasn't something that was going to be fixed anytime soon.

For one I wasn't even sure if I trusted her anymore. I loved her, but love could only do so much. We were going to have to talk about this, I was going to have to accept everything that happened in the last couple weeks. Accept that she was willing to be with another guy, that she honestly felt that I was a big enough monster to not tell me the truth. That things were actually taking a turn for the worst. I was going to have to accept the person that Gale was turning into, that scared me. Made me terrified of wondering what next to expect and all of that combined was exactly what I wasn't ready to accept.

"Your drinking now?"

" Not more than regular" my temples started to hurt from starting to speak.

"You had an entire bottle"

"I didn't have a lot"

"It was passed the neck" she responded. "You're avoiding me, drinking on your own and driving"

I got up. So much for trying to finally have peace and quiet. I walked towards the door after grabbing the tablets from the table top, hopefully I'd get drowsy enough to fall asleep.

Last JulyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz