Chapter fifty two

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Life:// the ability to grow, change, an animating and shaping force or principle


I cringed hearing my brothers voice in the line.

"Hey kent" I replied in a much pleasant tone than he had given me.

"Where have you been? I'm worried, you haven't picked up my calls"

"Yeah" I replied slowly. "Sorry about that" but I honestly wasn't.

Mom called too, those I definitely ignored. Nothing would be worse than talking to my mother right now. The same as it would be in any other occasions except her birthday. I built up enough tolerance during the rest of the year just for that one day. Lucky for me, she didn't have anniversaries to celebrate any more or maybe lucky for our dad.

"You aren't."

I rolled my eyes. Maybe

"Mother tried calling numerous times likewise".

"Yeah I know, I ignored him"

"Really" he was not enthusiastic with my answer. "She called multiple times, that should have said something"

I groaned. "Come on kent, mom calls multiples times everyday for every basis that she calls me, there's no difference"

This time he groaned, before silence took over the line and then he took a deep breath. "It matters kenzy" he said his voice returning to the husky tone I was use to. "Kate's on her way to the hospital, she's in labor"

"What!" I hopped off my red holding the phone to my ear. " why am I just hearing about this! Oh my gosh! "

"Check your phone idiot! We've been calling since the first waves of pain yesterday" he sighed again. "She kept pestering mom about calling you, needing you to be there"

"Oh my gosh. It's finally happening! We're having a baby!" I screamed running around my room like an idiot. " oh my gosh"

"If you've finished hyperventilating, their taking her to Sherman's memorial"

I paused my happy dancing. "Wait, isn't that a private hospital" Not to mention expensive

" This is mom were talking about, you expect anything less? "

"Right, right" I had forgotten about her for a while. "I'll be there in a little while"

The moment he hung up I ran around the room again, then threw myself into my bed. I was going to be an aunt, a great aunt, super aunt in fact. My thoughts suddenly drift to Jesse and for awhile all the sadness I felt over the last few weeks at her death returned. She was excited about having another little child to play with-eventually. She was there when I picked out all the clothes we bought for the baby, choose the paint for the nursery, cried when she felt him kick my sister for the first time. But now that he was finally here, she wasn't.

The handle of my door rackled a few times before it goes open and my best friend rushed in, bent over panting vigorously when she reached my bed. I got peeking over at her wondering why she was like that.

"Whats....wrong?" she asked between breaths.

I blinked. "Huh?"

She looked up at me, wide eyed still catching her breath. "I heard you scream, what's wrong?"

" Oh" I said looking away. "I, ah, kay is having the baby"

" What! "

"Yeah!" I answered enthusiastically . "I know right"

Last JulyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon