Chapter seventy four

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My mother said I'm too romantic
She said, "You're dancing in the movies."
Maybe it's 'cause I got a little bit older
Maybe it's all that I've been through
I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder
And how I see myself with you
I don't say a word
But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
There you go, saving me from out of the cold
-Sam smith

I heard his breaths, felt his heart beat, drank his scent and tasted his flesh. I was hooked on a guy, I started believing fairy tales weren't real. That summers were only for the broken hearted and that wounds would never heal. Yet here I was under the moonlight with my one and only love. We walked, his arms around my waist leaving the truck behind as we trotted into the unknown.

Every now and again I'd refer to the stars and he'd only grumble something, I guess just anything so I'd think he'd listen. His fingers tightened just a little bit more as we walked and I could tell that a storm was brewing in his head. The man I'm with is someone completely different from the one's I've dated before. Sounds cliche but it's the truth.

You'd roll your eyes and say, this is really just a damn fairy tale and were gonna live happily ever after. Hell no. Not this story. There was no happily ever after with Grim, he'll be sarcastic forever because that's just the asshole he is. I'm probably gonna wanna strangle him half the times we spend together but, I've come to realize what he said was true. I've never openly admitted it, and hell he'll never get to hear me utter it either, but that's one of the qualities I love about him the most. The fact that he can be obnoxious yet sweet, stern yet tender, romantic yet have all the rough edges to remind me he's a man.

We stop and he pulls us closer, my back buried with his rock hard body, his head nestled into my hair. He leaves himself vulnerable for only me to see and I feel privileged, honored even. My eyes slip closed listening to him breath, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against me, imprinting the memory into my mind, lest I forget. Slowly, I feel the world turn at our feet, seasons change, people, time moves, warms between us, but my love for him remains constant. True, pure.

"I don't want you to leave"

I sigh. His voice is soft, yet raspy. It's rough depth filling my mind with wonton pleasure, a priest would kick me out of church for my sinful thoughts.

This was the second time he'd said it today. His lips fall to my neck, a glorious warmth spreading through my body like a blazing comet.

"You're not gonna loose me Andrew" I whisper back.

His subtle laughter made all my hairs stand on end. I relaxed in his arms finally seeing what he hid all this time. His blue eyes now covered in clouds of uncertainity, doubt, fear. He held on to me as if our lives depended on it, as if a whirlwind would steal me away. My eyes watered but I kept it in, biting back the love I felt bubbling inside threatening to over flow.

"How do I know you won't just go find another mechanic to annoy until he falls for you?" he said glancing away.

My mouth twisted into a smile before it rolled into a smirk. Tipping on my toes I wrapped my hand around his neck peering into his eyes, his gaze shifted to meet mine.
I couldn't understand why he couldn't just admit to loving me, the idiot!

"Why is that what happened with you?"

His face twisted into disgust pushing me away from him walking towards our tent. Turning on my heels, I sprinted towards him, jumping and wrapping my feet around his waist, latching on like a leech.

"Get off" he said trying to shake me off only making me latch on tighter.

"You haven't answered me" I sing leaning my head into his shoulder.

Last JulyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora