Chapter Sixty four

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Awakening:// to stop sleeping : to wake up

"Andrew" I said under my breath.

He held my gaze for awhile, my heart beating faster as I took in his white shirt that spread across his broad chest extending over his high shoulders, leading to his muscle ripped hands. My eyes stayed on the art on his arm, my favorite place before my eyes went back to his face again. I knew he watched me even when I tore my eyes away forcing myself to breathe again. My body trembled, feeling him close, lit with flames. A  raging inferno crawling up my body or rather the sudden heat that enveloped the room the moment he walked in. This was probably a good time to decide if I was still upset or not.

I nibbled my lip, feeling his ever enclosing steps drawing near, static brewing between us.

"Gracious" I mumbled. Come now kenzy decide fast, are we upset or not?
Okay, I'm upset.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on ends which were ridiculous since they were curly, yet I was sure if he observed me well, he'd see how straight they'd become. I sighed. I'm a lost cause aren't I? Just moments ago I cut my self loose of all ties to carnality yet here I was disturbed my a man that made my body light afire and practically saw right through me, undoing me with his gaze.

Wait what?

His hands encircled me in what I thought to be an embrace only to realise he was only placing the cake he had before me.

Good greif, if I didn't drive myself to complete madness today I wouldn't be me!

Okay, scrap being upset, I thought taking advantage of his body against mine. Feeling his warmth and sturdy chest pressed against my naked skin. I bit further into my lips, unholy thoughts flooding my mind and as the good girl I was I let them run wild. If I was going crazy, it only made sense I do it properly.

"Happy bithday" he whispered in my ear, his voice deep but soft enough that I felt like falling from my chair I would hit my head boof! against the ground.

"Thank you" my voice came out squeaky and I felt like taking a dive head first into the lake outside.

What the hell was that! Now he'd know how disconcerting he is! Shit!

He stifled a small laugh and I felt my gut tighten.

Come on Andrew please don't do that right now!

I took in a deep breath closing my eyes. Okay, I've decided, I'm not upset, I won't be if he stays like this with me, just behind me, next to me with his hands next to me like this, feeling him near. If he leaves, we're upset!

"Andrew, could you help me without something"

His warm breath canned against the side of my cheek forcing my stomach to do a somersault. My am I like this? I face palmed myself in my head. I was attracted to him before but now, right now my awareness of him was just too much!

" Yeah" he answered resting the cake down and moving away from me.

Noooooo. You're not supposed to leave! I missed his body heat immediately, pouring to myself, too wound up to protest about him leaving.

"The birthday girl shouldn't pout" said tino. "Here distract yourself"

I glanced over at him taking the cup from his hands watching him from the sides of my eyes. He was up to something I could smell it. Without warning a mischevious smile spread across his face like a child whose prank was about to be successful. If he ever asked for us to dance together, because he was Andrew's friends so I learnt to expect anything from each of them, I'd strangle him. No. Why put myself through that trouble....I'll just push him overboard into the lake hands and feet bound. Now that made me smile.

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