Chapter 3: Trixie's Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Oh goodie," said Harley clapping her hands together. "I love parties." And the three of them got out of the car.

Trixster laughed and walked up of the sidewalk. She had two black thigh sheaths, both containing knives, on her right thigh. She was wearing a black shoulder holster with a pistol stashed in it. She also had a white satchel with the Joker's face on it, and it had the words: Jokerz Gang in red and it dripped as if it was blood. Inside of her satchel was white smoke grenades with the Joker's face and the words: SMILE! in green. Inside each grenade was Laughing Gas.

"I think this house needs some lootin'," said Harley. "Just to help them in case they move in the future and they won't have to lug all this stuff to their new house right Puddin'?"  As they were walking to the house, they could hear the sound of teenagers partying hard. Trixster walked up to the door. She knocked on the door and waited, no answer. Joker and Harley Quinn were waiting at the door. Joker had a machine gun in his hand . Harley also had two 44 magnum revolvers, but hers had Harley Quinn on both with a heart following Quinn. In Harley's hands was a wooden baseball bat. The baseball bat had a black handle and was decorated with red and white stripes going diagonally down. Trixster then banged on the door, she was getting very tired of waiting.

On the other side an African American boy, with glasses, finally heard the banging. He had a red Solo cup in his hand and his phone in the other. He looked out of the peephole and saw Trixster, Harley Quinn, and Joker waiting on the step. Harley was making funny faces at the peephole just in case someone was looking. He mistaken the three for some teens dressed up and he opened the door.

"Cool costumes," he said. "But, you didn't need them. It's not a costume party."

"We know," said the Joker. "But we were crazy enough to wear a costume." The boy looked confused.

"Okay," he said.

"What is your name?" the Joker asked.

"Edward," he replied. "Why?"

"Do you smile enough?" Joker asked.

"I guess," said Edward a little bit uncomfortable.

"Good," said Joker. "Keep smiling. It might save your life some day." Then he left laughing. Harley and Trixster came through the door.

"You look familiar," said Edward to Trixster.

"Thank you," she said, and she walked off. Edward closed the door and continued to to what he was doing. Joker, Harley, and Trixster made their way to the middle of the floor. Teenagers were dancing all around. The lights were dimmed and multi-colored lights where flashing all over the place. The music was loud and it sounded like a rock and roll band.

"Let's crash this party," said Harley. Joker, then, held his machine gun in the air and fired it off. Some teenagers screamed and the music stopped. The lights turned on and everyone was looking at Joker, Harley, and Trixster.

"It's the Joker!" someone yelled.

"I know it's me," said Joker. "Harley go and start lootin'." Harley gave a high-pitched eek and ran off to loot.

"The floors yours kiddo," said Joker.

"Alright!" yelled Trixster. "NO ONE LEA-"

"Who are you?" asked a boy on Trixster's left. Trixster pulled out her pistol and shot the boy in the head. His body fell over dead. Trixie always wanted to do that. Now she could.

"No one interrupts me," she said. "Or you'll end up like him." Trixster pointed her pistol to the boy's dead body.

"Now where is Felicia?" Trixster asked. Immediately Felicia ran for the back door. Trixster saw her, pulled a knife from her thigh sheath, and threw it. It hit the wall right next to the back door as soon as Felicia grabbed the doorknob. Felicia stopped.

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now