Scias lifted his chin. "My Lady, I would bring a new era of peace and order to the Realm. You may share in that. As Overlord, I would end the petty squabbling among the Lords and lift the people to prosperity."

Ceres frowned. "Your methods suggest you would bring only suffering and repression."

"Sacrifices be necessary to achieve greatness."

"It seems your people do all the sacrificing while you live in such excessive luxury."

"My dear, like all women, you know little of how to rule. The people need a strong leader to esteem, an example of greatness."

Waithe jumped into the discussion as he noticed Ceres beginning to fume. "You build a huge army. For what purpose, my Lord?"

"Sir, you of all men should know that respect be earned through strength. There are those who would oppose by force my destiny."

"And what part would I play in your quest for greatness?" Her voice was steady, but her fists were clenched at her sides.

Scias stabbed a piece of meat with his fork, but then put it down. "You may continue to heal, of course, but under my direction. Your powers wielded alongside those of Raste would make us invincible. I would grant you rule over the Order of Medice and you may expand its influence across the Realm." A crooked smile came to his face. "And with Raste's seed, you would become the mother of a new generation of powerful Shaman."

Ceres swallowed hard and pushed her plate away. "I seem to have lost my appetite."

"I know this is difficult to process now, my dear Ceres. But think of your grand legacy!"

"A legacy I already have."

He glared at Ceres. "Your actions have undermined my authority in my own lands. I cannot have that."

"I healed the ailing and purged the Darkness. How would that undercut you? It would only do so if the people suffered under your rule. Is there any wonder that they are so disgruntled? You would gain so much more with compassion."

He narrowed his eyes. "Compassion leads to mediocrity. Only a firm hand achieves greatness."

Ceres tightened her lips and creased her brow, but said nothing. Waithe almost blew out an audible breath at her restraint. In this situation, it was not wise to provoke the Lord too far.

The servants eased the tension as they returned with dessert, a fluffy white cake topped with fresh raspberries. Generous slices were cut for each at the table and then doused with fresh cream from a white ceramic pitcher. After refreshing the wine glasses, the servants retreated.

Scias savored a bite of the rich dessert, then put his spoon down. "I have wondered, my Lady, why after evading my soldiers for so long that you show up at my gate? Did you finely see the inevitable?"

Ceres did not touch her dessert. "Nothing is inevitable, my Lord. I came here to warn you."

Scias smirked. "Oh? Do you mean from Lord Gerald, who assembles his army near the border of the Lake Lands? They provoke me. I shall deal decisively with him soon enough. In a way, your interference leads to that."

Ceres eyes shot wide open, but she recomposed herself quickly. "Nay. I speak not of war, but the intentions of your chief Shaman Raste. You know he summons the Darkness?"

"Aye. It is very powerful, and it serves our cause. But that is one reason we sought you, Ceres. As Tau, you give limits to the Darkness, so that Raste may wield it safely."

Ceres shook her head. "Deception and deceit are the ways of Darkness. No desire has Raste to be in your service. Do you remember the stories of the dark Shaman of the North Lands and how he dabbled with the dark arts, killed his Lord, and brought forth the Taint?"

Scias nodded.

She continued. "Sorne was his name. I found his journal at Mt. Grimmur. He intended to bring about the End Times. Did you know he was also Tau? He had the others of Tau murdered, including my mother, but he did not know of me. That is important, the last Tau corrupted by the Darkness would trigger the End Times. My Lord, Raste intends to achieve what Sorne failed by corrupting me. In the End Times, there would be no glory for you nor future for humanity."

Scias' eyes widened as he sat in thought. After a moment he shook his head. "Nay. What would he gain from the End Times?"

"Power. He believes he could control the Darkness, but it would enslave us all."

Scias froze, but then he shook his head with a grin. "Well played, my Lady Ceres. I almost believed your ruse."

Ceres pushed her chair back from the table. "My lord, you are blinded to the truth by your own ego. But regardless, I shall not support your quest for domination."

Scias jumped up. Bending at the waist, he placed his hands on the table edge and glared at her. "Oh, you shall fulfill your destiny, my Lady, whether you desire it or not!" He turned his head. "Guards! Take them back to their cell. Dinner is over!"

Medice CeresWhere stories live. Discover now