Chapter 22

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Waithe and Jenn cast knowing smirks to each other from the backs of their horses. Ceres and Alden's fondness for each other grew stronger as the journey continued west along the wide Blue River, even as they tried to hide it. Glances and smiles went back and forth between them when they thought no one else was looking. They spent most of the evenings together. Sometimes they might discuss philosophy, spin tales of past adventures, or they would play marble games with Eira. Later at night, they would steal away together under the vast starry sky, something that confounded Waithe in his role as her protector.

Waithe shook his head. "Do they really think nobody notices?"

Jenn laughed. "Were we any different so long ago?"

"Perhaps not. But we clashed then. We were never meant to be lovers. I think these two actually compatible. I have to admit, mixed feelings I have about this."

"In what way?"

"Do you not fear for Alden?"

"I do, every day, and for his older brothers as well. That is the curse of motherhood, but I would not have it any other way."

"A dangerous quest Ceres takes. More dangerous, I think, than either of them know. I fear for Ceres and now too for Alden. With so much at stake, be it right to kindle love? Soul crushing heartbreak may become their destiny. This I know too well."

"That you do, my dear old friend. To love is to lay open the heart, a perilous vulnerability. But do you not cherish every moment you shared with Fera and Aala? Do you not carry their love even now?"

Waithe took a deep breath. Sweet memories welled up in his mind. "Aye. That I do."

"Then let them love, if it would be so. They deserve that chance."

"My dear Jenn, where did you find such wisdom of the heart?"

She smiled. "Not from you, Waithe. From you I found trouble."


Eventually, they came to the border of the Lake Lands. They continued to follow the Blue River, which would lead them by the lakes for which these lands were named. The river became colder and swifter, even as the land through which it flowed became more barren. The road sometimes veered away from the river to avoid steep-walled canyons cut through the red rock. Tall snow-capped mountains to the west fed the lakes and river.

As per plan, half of the soldiers that traveled with them made camp near the border. They would come if summoned, a fallback force that Lord Girald insisted on. Going into the lands of another Lord accompanied by too many soldiers would be provocative, so only nine soldiers entered the Lake Lands, with Waithe posing as a tenth. 

Ceres became known as Cora and Alden as Quill, both posing as aides to the Lady Jenn. The disgraced Lady Adelia rode in a covered horse-drawn carriage with her feet shackled and a soldier watching over her. Eira completed the entourage, usually riding with Ceres or Waithe, but sometimes with Alden, with whom she had taken a liking. In a day and a half, they arrived at the outskirts of Tarne, the capital city of the Lake Lands, which stood on the banks of a large lake. A soldier sent ahead reserved rooms at one of the roadhouses near the center of the city.


"Lord Berne will not even meet with me." Jenn shook her head as her hands surrounded a mug of ale. "Surprised I am not. I was told that his schedule was full of other important matters, but the reality is that he would not lower himself to discuss policy with a woman, that miserable chauvinist twit. Those important matters likely are his concubines. Bad enough that he cowers to Scias' wishes like a beaten dog. I am tempted to double the price of the grain and ale we trade to him."

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