Chapter 15:Phobia

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"There is no escape in there Megan. This is just going to make your punishment later even worse." Xander threatened me. I quickly started to hyperventilate. I was losing my mind. I couldn't stop crying as they continued to kick the door and yell.

My sight started to go blurry as they kicked down the door. But before they could even grab me, I fainted. Hitting the floor hard while my eyes put me into a deep, deep sleep.

"Now, Now, Princess. Wake up." Xander said before throwing another bucket of ice-cold water. I instantly opened my eyes and screamed.

"FUCK!" I yelled as the water trailed down my bruises that I'm sure Xander and Jerome gave me.

"Now, since you've decided to make things worse for yourself. The punishment is now going to be 10 times worse. So let me explain what's going to happen to you for the next week. Cause I hate going in blind. And I can at least give you the decency of letting you know what will happen to you." Xander said.

"And don't worry, we won't kill you. I still need you to make up your father's money." Xander said. Fuck...I forgot about that. He is going to make my life a living hell as long as I owe him money.

"I've done a lot of research on torture. Now some of the best torture was psychological torture. And here is one thing I know about you. You, my dear Megan. Have a phobia." Xander said and I started to squirm.

"Yes, I know. I went to your therapist and she for some reason wouldn't give it so I had to rip out her tongue for her even to hand it over." Xander said.

NO, NO, He can't know my phobia. He will torture me with it.

"So, Jerome, please go bring in the spiders," Xander said before walking over to the table. Xander then grabbed a pair of scissors from the table's drawer.

"Now, I want you to be even closer to them, it's like the thing they say about the babies, skin on skin contact is best. Wouldn't you say? So how about let's give you a special connection with these tarantulas of mine. I think they'll love that. " Xander said and I started to squirm and scream as loud as I could. At least I tried to. My mouth completely gagged now. Xander then came over with a pair scissors and begin to cut my pants and my shirt off. Leaving me in my underwear.

"You know, you do have a nice body. I and you could've gotten along well." Xander said before cutting off my underwear and bra. Jerome soon came back into the room with a little box. Xander set the box right next to me on the table.

"Now, I got special ones. I got the biggest ones they had. Now my hope is that they stay on you. And if they don't, I don't have an issue with grabbing them and putting them right back on you. And I'm telling you now, you better not knock them off yourself, or I'll make you eat one, alive." Xander threatened.


After everything that happened over these last few days, with Megan's multiple escape plans, I've gotten sick and tired of them.

At first, during the breakfast I was going to give her the one chance, I wasn't going to torture her. But after doing it once again I decided that she needs a punishment. She needs to feel my wrath. I'm sick and tired of letting her push me over, I need to break this little princess of mine. I've been too nice. She needs to get off that high horse and learn who she truly is, mine...

After throwing the spiders on her and hearing her loud screeches Jerome and I headed upstairs. We walked into my office and I took a seat on my chair and Jerome sat down on the other chair that faced me.

"Mind if I still getting a taste of her? I'm willing to pay more. She is quite beautiful, exactly my type. And don't worry, I won't damage her, too much." Jerome said chuckling. I rolled my eyes at his comment. Now you want to know the truth? I don't want to sell Megan off to anybody, except me. Megan is mine and only mine. I hated the idea that she wasn't a virgin. That her stupid father decided to sell her virginity, for what $1000? And I didn't even get a cent.

"Sorry Jerome, you can't have her," I said before standing up and going over to my safe.

" Why the fuck not? You promised me her." Jerome said standing up. I could tell he was getting quickly irritated with me. I finally got to my safe and pulled out the black metal piece.

"You better give me her, you don't want to start a war." Jerome threaten me. Now I'm seriously pissed off, and I don't think shooting him between eyes would give me any justice. So I turned around and aim the gun at his chest. Shooting one so I wouldn't have hit any internal organs so that later I would tie him up and torture him. He'll get what he deserves, as they all do.

After shooting Jerome, Jerome fell to the ground, not only seconds later one of my maids came rushing in.

" Megan, she wants you. She says she has a proposition." My maid said. I nodded.

"Go and get her, bring one of her guard with you. She's very slippery." I said and then the maid walked out of the room quickly. I waited a few minutes and Megan soon entered the room with a blue shirt and a pair of pants. They must've given her some clothes to head up here.

" what is it that you want Megan? You better take all this time into thought. Because after this conversation you're heading right back down to the spiders." I said smirking.

" Please don't make me go back down there, I'm having a mental break down every five seconds. I beg of you. I'll do anything. And I mean, anything..." she said.

I smirked as I walked toward her.

"On your knees," I said shoving her down.

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