Chapter 34: I'm Not A Cheater

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2 Days Later

Megan's POV

I know I'm a shitty person. I've been told 1000 times. Especially by Xander. But I had to do what I had to do to keep my relationship with Joey alive.

Joey is the only thing I have left in this fucked up world. Xander took everything away from me.

I lost my baby because of him, and I lost my entire family because of him.

Yes, my dad may have gone all 'American Psycho' on us but it was Xander's doing. He did make my dad need to get money as soon as possible.

It all leads back to Xander.

I would have never met Joey without Xander. I really do care about Joey, but I don't regret what I did. I may have somewhat cheated on him, but I don't regret it. I need to do what I have to do.

And for some fucking reason, Xander can't seem to get his rocks off in other girls, so every so often he comes to me for help. It happened a few times before Joey and I started to date.

During those times it was actual sex. But that one time, a few days ago, I did keep a little bit of dignity, and I didn't let Xander touch me.

I wasn't Xander's. And I know that pissed him off when I only offered him a blow job and no sex to come after.

"Joey?" I asked as I raised my head and looked at him. Joey was sitting at the kitchen table eating the breakfast I had prepared for us earlier.

Joey raised an eyebrow so he didn't have to open his mouth, which of course was full of food.

He has manners, great, it makes him even more perfect.

"I...I..." I stuttered out. Should I tell him what I did?

I feel the need to. He doesn't deserve this. Maybe he'd understand.

Joey swallowed his food and looked at me confused. He got up from his chair and kneeled down next to me taking my hand into his.

Comforting, damn it! He's making this even harder!

"What's wrong Megan? Did Xander say or do something?" Joey asked me.

I shook my head, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "I am so sorry Joey," I said.

I can't do it...

I can't lie to him anymore.

The past 48 hours have been hell. I kept telling myself that I can't tell him, that I somehow saved our relationship from the wrath of Xander, but I only made things much much worse.

"Megan, what's wrong?" Joey asked me extremely concerned.

"What's going on here?" asked Xander as he entered the room. His eyes instantly met mine. He knew I was upset. But I don't think he knew why.

"Joey, give us a minute," Xander ordered.

Joey looked at Xander, then back to me. He couldn't say no. Xander was his boss.

Joey stood up from crouching and kissed my forehead before walking away.

"Megan, follow me," Xander said before turning around. I stood up from my chair and followed him into his office.

Once we got inside the office, Xander closed and locked the door behind him. We both took a seat and we sat in silence.

Was he expecting me to speak?

I opened my mouth to speak, hoping to break the awkward silence, but Xander quickly beat me to the punch.

"Why were you looking like you were about to have a fucking meltdown?" Xander asked me.

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