Chapter 13:Nightmare

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As I ran down the hallway and down the stairs I could hear Xander yelling for me. Yelling for me to stop running or I would make things 10 times worse. I finally got to the first floor.

But I knew that Xander would think my first thought would to go outside and go to a neighbors house, so I quickly turned around and headed back down a hallway which leads to the kitchen.

As I made my way to the kitchen as silently as I could, I could hear Xander running down the stairs and out the front door. I walked over toward the sink and opened the small cabinet that was underneath it.

Since there wasn't enough room for me to get under without moving a few of the items, I grabbed some of the cleaning supplies and quickly put it inside another cabinet before climbing inside the cabinet.

I stayed silent knowing that Xander would soon come inside looking for me once he noticed that I wasn't outside. After a few silent minutes, I heard a loud shatter.

My first guess was that Xander had smashed one of my mother's expensive vases. The ones she got from her mother. That was passed down by her mother. Xander most probably wanted me to make a noise.

He probably hoped that the loud noise would scare me. It didn't though. Only because of one reason. I heard him walk in through the front door. So I wasn't caught off guard.

"Megan! Come out! If I have to call my men on you, you won't live through the night!" Xander yelled throughout the house.

I need to get out of this house without Xander seeing me. I need to run to the woods behind the house. Luckily there was a door in the kitchen that led to the backyard.

But I had to wait for the right time, I truly don't want to get caught. He could end my life for trying to make a run for it. As well as hurting him. To be honest, I was completely terrified of getting caught. As well as even trying to make a run for it.

I heard Xander come into the kitchen, but soon after he threw around a couple of things and cussed multiple times he walked out of the kitchen.

I took a long deep breath and slowly opened the cabinet and stuck my head out to see if he was anywhere near me. Once I noticed that he wasn't anywhere near me, I slowly and quietly stepped out of the cabinet and quickly made my way out the back door but as I ran outside I heard the back door slam.

Damn it! I forgot it does that. Now I'm truly screwed. Xander is going to kill me! I continue to run not even looking back to see if he was coming after me.

I was scared out of my mind. I was going 100 percent sure that he had heard the door slam. Because after only about 15 seconds of running I heard the door open and slam again.

But it was starting to get dark now, so I wasn't sure how easily I would be able to get out of this. Xander might not be able to see me. But I know he's probably hunted down people before

I ran as fast as I could but then I heard Xander screaming out my name. Telling me to come back. And the more time it takes to find me the worst the punishment is going to be.

But I knew one thing, after all the abuse, even though it is only been a couple of days. I highly doubt he will kill me. He needs to get his money off of me. It didn't seem like he is somebody to throw away $75,000. Just because I misbehaved.

But I know either way I'm gonna get a huge punishment for this, and that's what truly terrified me. By the looks of the other maids, I could tell then he was the type of man that could break somebodies spirit.

Even his own family. I quickly noticed that after the way I saw his cousin act. I continued to run and then I soon heard gunshots. But I could tell that they weren't anywhere near me. They were heading into the air.

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