Chapter 32: My New Friend Joey

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Xander's POV

I know you don't have to remind me. I'm a horrible monster.

I'm a horrible person who will burn in hell for what I've done and said. And I've accepted that, as long as I complete what I need to do on this Earth.

Which is take over a few more Drug Lords, and produce and heir. That's it.

Then I am totally fine with leaving. I have no issue with it. But at the looks of it, the woman who I plan to have my children with, despises me.

I know she does, I've done horrible things to her. I've said horrible things to her.

Like the sentence, I just said to her.

"You wanna know so bad what would happen?" I asked her. She didn't respond. She didn't look at me. I chucked. "I'd take her the second they pulled her out of you, take her out of the room, and bash her fucking brains in..."

I regret it, but it's the truth. If I have a girl first, I will have to kill her. I can't have a girl. I need a boy. I don't care if my second is a girl, but the first has to be a boy. The firstborn, that's how things are supposed to work.

I know that's fucked up, but that is just how things are run around here. The world is dark and cold and there are monsters that lurk in the corners, prying on the innocent that pass them every single day. Until they find the person they desire, and they then take them.

That is what happened with Megan. I felt this weird thing when I met her, it's like somebody was trying to warn me, or tell me something.

"You fucker." I heard her say under her breath. She didn't even react to my words. I expected her to slap me, to punch me, or shit, even stab me.

I knew she was hurt by the loss of the baby, but I did expect more of a reaction toward what I just said to her.

"Megan, look, I shouldn't have said it that way. I apologize. But you should know the truth. I didn't want anything to happen in 5 years." I said.

Megan looked at me. "What do you think is going to happen in 5 years?" She asked me.

"Actually, I'd prefer it to happen much quicker, but I want to give you time. But whenever we do choose to have children..." I begin to say but Megan stops me.

"When you decide that you want to have children. I have no say or choice in the timing. So don't act as if I do." She said as she laid back into the bed and sighed.

"When I decide that I want you to give me an heir, we will have sex, and hopefully the first time is enough. I don't want to put you through much Megan. I feel bad enough as is." I spoke.

"Bullshit Xander, you don't give a shit about me. All the things you just told me were pure lies. And honestly, I am done hearing them. I just want you to leave me alone. I want to heal up, then go to school, and once I am done with school I want to leave. I am not going to give you an heir Xander. Fuck that! I owe you nothing! You've taken everything away from me! Why in the fuck should I give you an heir?! Find a whore to give you one, I don't want to mother a child that has anything to do with a monster like you." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what Megan, fuck off. I've been nice to you, I'm taking away your debt and letting you go back to school. I could make you go back to cleaning and bring you into my bedroom every single night until I am 100% sure you are pregnant with my heir. And if it's a girl I wish to take a baseball bat to your stomach. Is that what you want? Or are you going to be grateful that I am even offering you this?" I asked her.

Megan looked at me than the ground. "I just want to go home." She whimpered.

"I gave you that choice, but you chose to stay here. Now, you belong to me." I said before walking out of the room, slamming the door.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. This is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt it, for years I thought I didn't have one. Or maybe it froze over from the coldness that is my soul.

Shit, I just screwed things up even more, didn't I?

"Boss?" asked a voice.

I looked toward the voice and saw on the maids looking at me. "What?" I asked her.

"Is Megan okay?" she asked me, "We've heard that she is in the hospital, and we are worried."

"She's fine, don't worry about her," I said before walking away.

"What happened to her?" She asked me. Clearly she wasn't going to leave me alone unless I gave her a real answer.

But once again, I am the boss. I have no reason to give her the truth.

"Fuck off, don't talk to me. Go do your fucking job before I throw you into one of the cells." I said.

The maid instantly froze up and looked at the ground. "I am so sorry sir, my apologies," she said before walking past me in a hurry.

I rolled my eyes. "Fucking bitches don't know who the fucking boss is anymore," I said before walking up the stairs.

I walked up to my office and slammed the door shut. I was so fucking irritated and I sure as hell didn't want to deal with the bullshit that all of these people are playing.

I needed to relax, and right now, Megan wasn't on my mind at all. Maybe it was finally time to get over this little 'thing' I feel for her.

I grabbed my phone and called in one of my maids, specifically the one who I met down in the basement. Elizabeth. She was probably the most annoying and bitchy of all of the maids that are in my house, but she is the best in bed.

Within minutes Elizabeth walked through my office doors and stood in front of me. "Drop your clothes," I told her before she did as I said.

Megan's POV

I laid back in the bed and waited for Joey to come back. And my wish came true because Joey then entered the room. "Hey Megan, I'm just checking in on you, how are things going? Are you feeling any better?" Joey asked me as he came to my side.

"I guess. Xander and I had a bit of a fight. He said the most horrible thing to me." I said looking at Joey. My eyes were starting to water up, thinking of what Xander had said to me.

"What did he say to you?" Joey asked as he took his hand into mine, trying to calm me down. As I opened my mouth a little whimper came out. "He's such a fucking bastard." I cried.

Joey rubbed my shoulder and sighed. "I'm so sorry Megan. I wish he wouldn't have picked you, but when Xander wants something or finds something he wants, he will do anything he can to get it. And he usually does get it." Joey said.

"I can see that," I said as I wiped away the few tears that fell from my eyes.

"So, are you able to tell me what he said?" Joey asked, "Only if you are comfortable with it though."

"He told me that if the baby would have lived, and if it was a girl, he would have taken it from me as soon as I gave birth, and killed her," I said.

Joey looked at me in complete disbelief. "You can't be serious," Joey questioned.

"I wish I was lying, but Xander doesn't give a shit about the death of his child. He is truly just a monster. And now I can't leave." I said.

"Look, I know Xander is going to try and make things difficult, but I want to make things easier. So, over the next few months, I want you and me to hang out." Joey said and I smiled.

"I would love that Joey, you are truly the only friend I have here," I said squeezing his hand.

So Xander is becoming more distant and Joey is getting closer! Joey is going to become much more important in the next few chapters. Also, both Joey and Xander at this point in the book are both love interest. It just depends on what I want to do with this book. I don't know if I will kill one-off, or add someone new into the book.

Also, Xander isn't a main character, he is just very close to the main character who is Megan.

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