Chapter 49: A Reminder Of The Past

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"Dangerous? What do you mean?" I asked the doctor concerned, I was now worried. Was something going to happen?

"Megan, since you are only 17 years old, I'm quite worried about you. You're also very small, I'm worried that this baby might cause some issues when you have him. He might be a good thing if we talk about C-sections. If you choose to have this baby naturally, it could lead to a lot of issues. You're much smaller than a 17-year-old, and you having him naturally could lead to bleeding out. Of course will have a whole bunch of people around us to help, but it is a possibility."

" I could die?"

" Megan, I'm sorry to say that, but yes. It is a possibility. Is Mr.Malfoy available? I think it would be best if we could talk with him as well. Since he is the father, and my boss. It will be best to see what he wants to do. We should discuss if you wanna take the risk of a natural birth, or if you want to go down the C-section route."

"He's busy, as always. I'll talk to him about it, and the next appointment we can all discuss."

"Of course, other than that you seem perfectly fine. I'll go get you a few things and then you can go."

1 Hour Later

I need to talk to Xander, I know he had a business meeting, but I need to talk to him. It was important. I couldn't wait. This is huge, I needed to know what he was thinking about it.

I walked into his office, to see him with men surrounding him.

"How does 5 million sound?"

"Its not enough, you're not gonna screw me over on this. I will not go below 20 million. You can go to hell if you think I'll go any lower." Xander said.

" 20 million? That is insane! I will not pay a cent over 12."

"Then we have no business, I will not deal with a cheapskate, you can go find somebody else to screw."

" Xander? I'm sorry to bug you, but I really need to talk to you. It's important. I know you're busy, but I need to talk to you. Is there anyway that we can speak?" I spoke, which instantly got Xander's attention.

Xander looked to me, and he seemed quite irritated. Not because he was irritated with the guy, because I was interacting him. He glared at me, I knew he was pissed.

"I'm busy, leave. Go upstairs. I'll speak to you later. Now is not the time." Xander said. His voice was cold, not like the sweetness that was in it last night.

" Xander, please. I know you're busy, but please talk to me. It's important."

" Megan! Get the fuck out, before I make you regret it. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit. I don't give a fuck about what you have to say, go the fuck upstairs. You're pissing me off."

"You know what Xander, fuck you! This has to do with our unborn son, if you clearly don't give enough of your shit, then fuck you. I thought you gave a shit about me, but clearly you don't. I just wanted to tell you that I might die giving birth to your child! But clearly you don't care enough." I yelled, before racing upstairs. I no longer want to be around Xander, I wanted to be alone.

I did hear him call after me, but I ran even faster. It was quite hard to run with my stomach, but I didn't care. As soon as I got into our room, I slam the door shut and locked the door. I didn't want him coming in. But I knew he could easily get in, but the locked door made me feel a bit better.

Only about a minute after I raced upstairs, there was a knocking at the door. It wasn't harsh, but it was light.

" Megan, I'm sorry. I'll talk to you. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was stressed."

I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to be around him. He's only apologizing now because of what I said. I could've ran upstairs, and said nothing and he wouldn't have given a shit. But now he does because I told him that I might die, that something is wrong.

"Leave me alone Xander! You can go to hell. Go down and do your business, like you always do. I don't wanna talk to you come and I don't wanna see you. Just leave me the fuck alone!"

It was silent after that, not a word came from him. But after another minute, I heard his footsteps go away. He wasn't even going to try and talk to me.

I guess either way, I didn't really care. I knew I'd be pissed if he try to. It will probably only make things worse. I moved him to the bed, and once again God I need the covers. I called the cover over my head, and place my hand on my stomach. I always do this, it makes me feel comfortable, it makes me feel like I'm in a safe space.

I close my eyes, and only for a second I remember back to when I was younger. With my mother and I used to hang out. When me and my father used to laugh at movies together when I used to play with my little brother.

I missed them so much, I missed my mother, my brother, shit, even my father.

At least before anything happened. I missed when everything was normal.

I missed my loving mother, I loved her cooking, her smile. I missed my brother running around the house, playing with his legos.

I also missed my father, even if he killed my family, he was still my father, and he was still a good father before he went into drugs.

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