Chapter 20:Children

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The next day I felt like getting out, I know Xander won't allow me to leave the house, but maybe I can persuade him to let me walk around the house. I know there are gates surrounding the house and it may make him feel a little better if I were to take a small walk.

I got out of the bed which I had been laying in for the past few hours and headed down to Xander's office. I opened the door and saw him sitting at his desk. "Hey," I said cheerfully. Xander looked up from his work and gave me a smile. "Hey, Megan. What's up?" He asked me. I walked more into his room and over to his desk.

"Look, I know this is a lot to ask but I was wondering if I could go outside for a walk. I would really love some..." I began to say but Xander cut me off. Xander shook his head and told me no.

"Wait, why? Xander please, I really want to go outside. You can come with me. Or one of your men, I just want some fresh air." I told him. Xander sighed and leaned back into his chair. "Fine, take that little doctor friend of yours. Joey. Along with a guard. I'll have one waiting at the door for you. The walk may not be longer than an hour. I want you back into this room. I need you for something." Xander told me and I nodded.

"Thank you, Xander," I told him before walking out of hte room.

I left the room and headed downstairs. Downstairs was where the cells were. I figured this out when I was dragged down there multiple times. It was also the place where I was locked up and giving my brothers skull, I know Xander and I need to talk about that too. Right now I just need to get out of the house for a bit. I need a break.

My goal was to go downstairs, and quickly get out of there and find Joey as fast as possible. I don't want to be down there with all people that were in lock-up. Which is my guess was probably over 10 people. When I was down there last, I could hear peoples cries. Bad people begging to get out of there. And it broke my heart each time, and I couldn't stand to be down there. Once I finally got downstairs, I could feel the chill run down my spine.

I knew the way to the doctors office, even though I only been there once. As I made my way to the office, I saw somebody I wish I wouldn't have seen.

I stopped and Candy called out my name. And in front of me sat behind the cells, was Candy. I signed thinking that now I have to talk to her. I truly feel bad because when I looked there I saw bruises on her face. And the more that I looked at it, the more bruises on her body. It wasn't just on her face, it was all over her arms and her legs. Even though she hit me, she doesn't deserve this. Nobody does.

"Hey Candy, I'm sorry that you're here," I said looking at her.

"Bullshit Megan. You put me here on purpose, you know what Xander was going to do. They beat me, a few of his men raped me. They done so much to me over these past few days, they beat me, they raped me, and so much more. I swear to God when I get out of here, I'm gonna make you pay. I promise. I'm gonna make you suffer the way I did." Candy threatened.

"Candy as I said earlier, I'm sorry that you're here. But you belong here. You hurt me. Maybe should think about what you do before you do it. You know Xander's attitude, and you know how he punishes people. Maybe you should have thought of that before you tried to hurt one of his workers. You are the only one to blame here." I told her before walking away.

After a few minutes, I finally make my way to the hospital room. Before I can even go inside, I noticed Joey sitting on a chair with a clipboard in his hand in front of the door.

"Hey, Joey! What are you doing outside the hospital room?" I asked Joey as I walk toward him. Joey's head instantly moved up. "Hey Megan, I'm down here because my father is working on somebody right now. And I didn't really want to be around that. But of course, I got yelled at. And I also don't wanna be around him when he's in a bad mood." Joey said and I nodded.

" so, what are you doing down here?" Joey asked me.

" I was actually looking for you, I want to see if you would want to go on a walk. It's so stuffy in this house, I'm getting sick and tired of it. So I talk to Xander and asked him if I was able to go on a walk, and he said it was fine. As long as I bring a guard with me. So since I was asking him, I wondered if you could come with me. And of course, he said yes. So I was wondering, do you wanna come and walk with me? " I asked Joey and he nodded.

" I guess it would be good to get out of this stupid basement. I hate it down here. It's so depressing, I hate hearing all the screams." Joey said and I know I did.

" I'm sorry you have to do this every day, especially since you're young, no teenager should be going through this," I said. Joey just shrugged. "It's all apart of the job, you know? I'd rather not stand up to Xander or my father and end up getting killed. I've already seen it happen multiple times, and I've been through this since I was very young. I've seen it all, even though it doesn't get easier every day. It has gotten easier over the years. But it's so hard to hear the screams. Especially when they bring in younger kids. " Joey said.

" wait, what? Younger kids? How young do they get? I mean I'm young, but how young are you talking about?" I asked Joey. Joey looked at the ground and looked at me.

" youngest I've seen was four," Joey admitted. He almost looked ashamed. But what has he done? He is still young, and Joey is making it sound like he actually shot a poor kid.

"Four? What was a four-year-old doing in here?" I asked Joey.

" mostly any kids that are down here, are children of the men, or women Xander has killed. Usually, instead of them getting killed instantly, Xander comes down here and kills them and then dispose of them. Or sometimes, if the worse it's going to happen, Xander takes a mans children, and tortures them, but it's only happened a few times and the men are usually people who have made Xander's job difficult. It's only happened a few times, but the few children that had been down here, only two of them have lived. The others as I said, were dismembered and then sent back to the parents. It's pretty hard to see, but it's a part of the job." Joey explained.

" oh my God Joey, that's horrible. How did Xander do that? They're just children. Yeah, the man or woman did something terrible to him, but the children are innocent. They've done nothing wrong. They may have grown up with a horrible mother, or father. But they never done anything." I said completely shocked, I was so surprised and would do something like that. But then I instantly remembered what he did to my brother. Then I guess it's not as hard to believe, Xander is a monster. There's no way around that.

" things just like that happen. Can you get off the topic now? It is kind of depressing. You said that you want to go on a walk?" Joey asked me, I instantly nodded knowing that he wants to get off of the topic. Joey and I sat up and then we headed up the stairs out of the basement and came into the hallway. In front of the door, there was a man. He was dressed in complete black, and I knew it was one of Xander's guards. I walked over to him and he told me that he was supposed to stay with me during the walk. I nodded and Joey and I headed out of hte house as the man followed us.

" so, what did you wanna talk about?" Joey asked me. I guess I do have a few questions. Xander has kept most things away for me and hasn't told me much. I've been told, for the most part, is it I'll be one of those beads, and that my workdays will give me money that will clear my payment then my father is him." I explain to Joey.

For the next hour, Joey and I talked about 100 things. I told him about my life and by the end of the hour, we both said goodbye to each other. I said goodbye to Joey before I headed over to Xander's office.

As I walked into the office I saw Xander standing behind his desk and his head was thrown back. After examining the room for a few seconds I knew what was happening.

"I'm sorry," I said and Xander's eyes opened and he shoved whoever was on the ground away and zipped up his pants.

"Megan wait," Xander said trying to walk toward me. And the next thing I knew Candy stood up. "Told you you'd regret it." She said smirking.

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