Chapter 40: The Gender Talk

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Hey, I know they've already had the gender talk. But it didn't go into much detail, and it has been a few months. So I just want to let you know, that I do know that they've talked about this. :)

2 Days Later

"I don't care if he is busy! I need to speak with him, this instant!" I yelled. Drew, one of Xander's men, looked at me and sighed.

"Megan, I can't. He's busy. Can't it wait?" he asked me. I crossed my arms over my chest, letting him know, that it couldn't wait.

"Look, feel free to march your little ass right into his office. But I can't promise you'll make it out without a mark or two, or shit, I can't even promise you'll make it out alive." Drew warned.

I rolled my eyes.

After what I was going to tell Xander, he wasn't going to lay a fucking finger on me.

"Fine," I said before shoving past him and storming right into Xander's office.

As soon as I enter, I see Xander standing in front of his desk, facing me, with a man on his knees.

Xander's face was filled with murder and anger, he looked as if he wanted to kill the man in front of him, which explained the gun in his hand, which was pointed at the man.

Usually, if I was back in this position a few months ago, I would have first never walked in here, and second, as soon as I would have seen the man, I would have gone running.

But I came here for one reason, I needed to talk to Xander, and I wasn't going to let some man, who was about to die, ruin or make this any more difficult.

"Xander," I said. Xander instantly looked at me, not moving his gun. He looked at me for one second, growled, then looked back at the guy, before firing 3 shots into his head.

I flinched each shot, and soon my ears were ringing.

Nobody came in, not to check. They knew what had happened. They weren't going to make a move unless Xander called for them.

"I thought I told you to fuck off? What the fuck do you want?" Xander asked, finally moving and walking back to his desk and taking a seat.

Xander opened up his desk drawer, and pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

I didn't know he was back to smoking...

"I just came here to tell you..." I began to say, but for some reason, something was stopping me.

Xander looked at me confused, awaiting my answer.

"Go on..." Xander said, clearly not amused with me.

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out, as soon as I seem to find the words.

Xander didn't move, or say anything. But after a few seconds, he starts to chuckle, which then turn into laughs.

"The fuck am I supposed to do? Why do I even care? Shouldn't you be having this conversation with your boyfriend?" Xander asked me, clearly not getting it.

"I don't have a boyfriend anymore Xander. He broke up with me after he found out I had sex with you. The baby isn't his either, so he doesn't need to know. The baby is yours. We had unprotected sex." I said.

Xander looked at me and sighed. "Are you sure it's mine?" he asked me.

I nodded. "You're the only person I've been with, except for Joey. But Joey always wears a condom, and it's never broken. But the one night I have drunken sex with you, we don't use anything. I remember waking up the next morning feeling a sticky feeling between my thighs."

He nodded. "Do you believe me?" I asked him.

"Of course, you wouldn't lie Megan. You fear me, you hate me, why the fuck come back unless you had a good fucking excuse?"

"You also know, that I won't let you leave with my heir, so you would have to have told me." He continued to explain.

"Heir?" I asked him.

"If it's a boy, it will take over this empire I've built,"

"What if it's a girl?" I asked him.

Xander looked at me for a second and shook his head. "I'm not saying," He said.

It was something bad.

Just by that response.

"Tell me," I replied.

"You'll hate me, or try to run away," he said.

I shook my head, "No point, you'd find me anyways,"

Xander smirked. "That I would,"

"Tell me," I repeated.

"You want to know so badly?" Xander asked me and I nodded. "As soon as the doctor says the gender is a girl, I'd take you into one of the rooms, and strap you down. I'd put some numbing stuff on you, then cut your stomach open, and rip that little baby, right out of you." Xander said without skipping a beat.

I didn't know what to say or do. "Why?" I asked him, finally knowing what to say.

"I need a boy first. If it's a boy, then he'll live. And if we have more children, and it's a girl, then I won't hurt her. But I cannot have a girl first. So you better be praying that baby in there, is a boy." Xander told me.

"Also, I want to get an appointment scheduled with my doctor, that lives here, and I want to see this 'baby'," Xander said and I nodded.

"Am I supposed to stay here now?" I asked him. "Yes, I'll get people to go and get your stuff, but you will live here now until the gender is known. Then we can discuss after that." Xander said.

I got up from the chair and started to leave the room, but he stopped me.

"Don't tell anyone about this Megan. I don't want word getting out that I got someone pregnant, not until we know it's a boy or girl. I don't want them coming after you, and it ends up being a girl."

After that, I left the room, not saying anything else.

As I walked through the house, I walked downstairs, to talk to the doctor.

Once I went into the doctor's area, I saw Joey, talking to a few men, he was wearing a doctor's coat, so people could tell him apart.

"Joey?" I called out. Joey turned around and faced me. He grimmiced as soon as he saw me. He clearly wasn't happy to see me.

"Where is your dad?" I asked him.

"He's not here. He left for 2 weeks." Joey told me.

"So you're the on-call doctor?"

He nodded. "Okay then." I said awkwardly, "I need an appointment."

He looked confused.

"Xander and I need an appointment to see our baby. I'm pregnant." I said.

Joey looked at me but didn't say anything. He nodded and walked away.

"It was that night, I never cheated on you other than that. I'm really sorry Joe, I really did care, and love you." I said but he didn't say anything.

He just kept walking...

"I made a mistake Joey, I wish you'd talk to me," I said, and for some reason, Joey stopped walking.

"You got pregnant by him after you cheated on me and slept with him," Joey said not even turning around.

"Please Joey, don't hate me. Getting pregnant is the last thing I want." I told him.

"I know it is, I highly doubt you'd want to get pregnant by a murder, and rapist, and a drug lord."

I sighed. "I wish you'd talk to me."

"There is nothing to talk about. From now on, we put the past in the past, I am now your doctor, that is all."

And there it went, probably only stable relationship I'd ever have. Because my life wasn't going to be the same anymore.

I'd have to stay with Xander until my baby comes to the age of 18. If it even survives.

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