Chapter 53: Escaping Hell

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Hey Guys, sorry for not updating in forever. I've been quite busy and haven't had a whole lot of time on my hands to write. I also haven't had much inspiration to write on some of my books. I wanted to take a bit of a break to spend some time with my family as well.

This book will be coming to an end soon, so hopefully, I can finish it within the month!

There will also be a lot of time jumps within the next few chapters.

Xander's POV 2 Weeks Later

"So, what do you think of him so far?" Louis asked me as I rocked little Brax in my arms.

I smiled slightly as Brax moved slightly. "He's awesome. I can't believe I have a kid,"

"I can't believe it either. I'm also super surprised you are even taking a role in raising him. I figured you throw him to Megan and wait till he turns the right age to start training him,"

"I couldn't do that, she'd never forgiven me. I also love her, and she wouldn't want to be with me if I didn't want to be apart of his life."

Louis got up from his chair and walked over to me and looked at Brax.

His small little fingers wrapped around me large one.

I couldn't stop smiling. He was so sweet and so cute, that I almost hated myself for putting him in this life. He doesn't deserve to be in danger constantly.

"Xander?" I asked Megan called out.

I looked up from Brax and saw her standing in my doorway.

"I need to feed him," she said as she walked toward us. I stood up and placed him into her arms.

"You can have him back in a few hours, I need him to take a little nap after he eats," she told me before leaving my office.

"I can't wait to see him grow up," I said to Louis.

4 Years Later

"Xander, I know we've never really talked about it, but we've been together for a good 4 1/2 years. Are we ever going to get married?" I asked Xander as we laid in bed.

This was the only time that we got alone time together. Brax was 4 years old and was always running around the house and following us around.

Xander turned to me. We've never actually discussed getting married or continuing whatever we were doing. Sometimes I would never even call us a couple.

Over the past 4 years, Xander and I have gotten into massive fights because he's around stripped and hookers all day, and it's not like he ignores them or anything. He is always out with his other people at strip clubs, and I don't like it.

"Megan, I don't want to get married, like ever,"

I looked at him confused. "You're kidding, right? Tell me you're joking. I don't want to be just your girlfriend for the rest of my life. I don't want to be in a dead-end relationship. I want to go somewhere. I want to be someone's wife."

"If I get married, then I'll be fully tied down. I don't want that. It shows weakness,"

I looked at him and saw that he was truly believing all of what he was saying, and he was trying to make me believe it as well.

"I don't want to keep doing this if this is all you're offering," I told him.

Xander looked at me and shrugged. "Then leave, I have no issue with you leaving, I don't need you. I've gotten what I want from you, I have Brax."

My mouth dropped. How could he say this? I thought better of him.

"If I leave, I take him with me."

Xander laughed, "He's mine Megan, he's my property as is that little baby you're carrying. "

I placed my hand on my bump.

Xander grabbed onto my arm, "You aren't going anywhere, not until you have that little baby, until then shut the fuck up or I'll throw you down into the cells."

I got up from the bed and marched out of the room and straight into Brax's.

He was asleep so I crawled into bed with him.

I didn't want to see or talk to Xander, he had all the power.

He was mean and cruel.

He changed from being sweet and loving into a monster within seconds.

I sometimes wonder if he even loves me, or if he just wants me for what I offer.

This isn't much, but for some reason, I feel like if we got married, then I wouldn't ever have to worry about feeling strange whenever he leaves to go out with people.

I have had the feeling he has cheated on me a couple of times.

A few months ago, he came home smelling like a hooker, and he had pink stained lipstick on his neck and on his lips.

I sometimes think he's getting bored of me, and when he is finally done, he'll kill me.

"Megan?" I heard Xander call out.

He was now standing in Brax's doorway. I slowly got up not wanting to wake him up.

"Leave me alone. Let us sleep,"

"Come with me, now..."

I exited the room and followed him downstairs into his office.

We both sat down in the chairs and just sat there.

"I'm sorry, but what I saw about the marriage thing is true. I know you want something more, but I can't offer it," Xander said.

"Let me go then, find someone else to torture. Have another baby. Let me and Brax go," I begged.

Xander looked at me and he sighed, "You really want to go?" he asked me.

I nodded, I've been on the edge of being with him for a while, but I haven't had the guts to leave yet.

"I'll make you a deal. You will move into a house not far from here, and it will be guarded. You can take Brax, but when he comes of age, he will start to train, but he can stay with you. We will have no contact unless for Brax," Xander suggested.

I nodded.

"Fine, I'll handle all the details, go to sleep,"

I stood up and headed back to Brax's bedroom.

For years, even though I love Xander, I've been trying to escape him. He has this hold on me I can't understand.

I need to do what is best for Brax and my little girl.

We will still be safe, but away from him...

If anybody is confused, from the beginning I didn't plan for them to be together. There will be another chapter or two to close up loose ends. Once again, sorry about the wait.

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