Chapter 12

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Marshall's POV

4 days have passed since Fionna came over here to watch Heat Signature 3, since then I heard she was busy with missions and adventuring out in the Land of Aaa.

Glob,these past 4 days were kinda boring. I went to clubs and parties but it was still boring, I guess I was sick of going to clubs and parties so many times, I got tired of it. I tried to visit Fionna at her treehouse but, every time I came,she was out on a mission somewhere.

It was already afternoon,I woke up early toay. Yes It's still early, you know vampires sleep in the worning and are wide awake on night.

So well I was in my room. Until I decided to record a song

I turned on the recorder

"Recording, Journal 2, song # 27 this is a song about what I felt these past few days,.I wanted to sing a song about a girl, sadly she's my bestfriend, she sees me only a bestfriend but I see her more than just a friend, she's really pretty,yet very noisy and very annoying, yeah..annoying.she makes me happy and sad and irritated every time I see her. I hope she feels the same way I do,.She's a rad girl. Your a rad girl Fi."

I started running my fingers across the strings of my guitar

"Hello journal it's me,

It's been awhile since we've talked about our life and stuff

Let's talk about my friends,


I hissed at the phone that was ringing. I didn't want to pick it up, but it wouldn't stop ringing.

So I turned the recorder off and placed my axe bass on the bed, and floated to the bedside table where the phone was.

Shit! What creature would disturb me at the middle of my recording,Damn,!! I was in The Zone. This better be important or else.!! I am so pissed!!

I picked up the phone, and hissed at it. As soon as I heard the soft familiar voice on the phone, I felt my frustation drain, my anger melting, and replaced by happiness.

"Stop hissing!..Marshall!?" Her soft voice said

"Sup Fi!?" I said in a low voice trying to cover my excitement.

"Listen we're throwing a party tonight, you should come over" I heard as she said excitedly

"I bet your party's gonna be as boring as Bubba's (Gumball's) parties" I said just irritate her.

Actually any party of Fi's is awesome.

"Boring!!? Hell no it won't, you better be there Marshall!" She said in a warning tone.

"And what if I don't >:) "I said to irritate her more. Hehehe I just love teasing her.

"Your...your gonna miss all the fun,and I want my bestbud to be there for me ^^" she said happily

I felt my heart sink after she said 'bestbud', does she only see me as her bestfriend? I want to be more than that.

I regained myself.

"Yeaah~ I'll TRY to come,..or maybe NOT. " I grinned, I just really love to tease her.

"MArshall!!~.. " she said warning me again

But before she could say anything more, I hung up on her. >:)


Ofcourse I would go, I wouldn't want to miss any party of her's

As much as possible, I want spend as much time with her,considering how short human lives have.

The thought of her dying and leaving me is unbearable. So I cleared my head and went back to my recording.

I spent most of the time, singing and recording songs.

I noticed it was already dark so I took a bath and changed clothes.

I changed into my dark-blue jeans with a chain dangling on the side, black shirt with a print "GLOW" ,my black converse and a black wrist band, with a print 'MY SEXY MIND'

I looked at myself on the mirror

Yeaah~ I know I'm Hot!!

Well if your'e saying 'Marshall, vampires can't see their reflections on the mirrors. It's always been like that.'

Well ofcourse I can see myself on my mirror, that mirror was specially made from the Mirror Village, It makes vampires,ghosts and undeads see their reflection on the mirror.

So, I flew out to Fionna's treehouse. (Actually it was MY treehouse, until they started squatting in there,.eventually I gave it to them , and Fi and I became close friends ever since.)

Author's Note

guys guys guys,, gotta news!! 53.reads!!! GLOB YOUD DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME, BEING A FIRST TIMER AND ALL!! XD  THANK YOUUUU SOOOO MUCH!! T_T im so happy I could cry , sorry for being emotional,. it's just im sooo happy.. I hope this number goes higher and higher.. thank you!!

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