Chapter 8

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Me and Marshall flew of to somewhere, I don't know.

I could feel the cool evening wind as we flew over The Land of  Aaa.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I could feel his cold undead arms wrapped around me, his jetblack bangs swayed in the right places, and his eyes, those ruby red bright eyes full of mystery,shining so wonderfully. The moon was a perfect background for him.

I've been with Marshall for a long time and this is the first that I saw him so....beautiful.

"Enjoy the view?" He said as a smirk crept to his face,showing his toothy left fang.

"Uuuh, I didn't think you were so...beautiful :) "

He looked away not showing his face to me.
"I know, I'm hot." He said proudly.

..after a while of flying,we gently landed me on top of a hill.

"Sooo. What're we doing here?"

He smirked. "Wolf chasing :) "


"We need to ride wolves to get to The Place." He said as he scanned the entire place.

"That's fun. :) "

I noticed i was still wearing my long blue gown. I figured running in this long gown would slow me I took the retractable sword from my stockings.

The small pink crystal sword grew into a normal sized sword.

I tare down the gown with my sword.
"Perfect :)" now the gown size was above the knee. Now I can move freely.

"Here they come." Marshall said facing in the other direction.

I went near him.
"I don't hear them."

"Duuh~ your a human, your sense of hearing is much weaker than mine." he said sarcastically

Soon I heard the wolves howling, they were running in a pack, heading towards us.

"Ready!!" I said to Marshall.

"Look who'se hyped up!! Haha"


The wolves ran passed us. So we started chasing them. Marshall was flying so he had no trouble in catching up with the wolves. He was about to grab a wolf and ride on it when I gained my passed and grabbed his foot, missing his chance to ride the wolf.

"Oh, what the-"

"No flying dummy!! :P "

I heard him chuckle. Then he landed on his feet,and started running.

We started chasing the wolves again.
Marshall ran fast, but I don't want lose to him.

I ran as fast as I could. I passed a few wolves. I was targeting the wolf infront of the pack. As I was closing in on the wolf, I made a giant leap for it and landed my butt on the back of the wolf.

I turned my head back, and I saw Marshall flew right to the other wolf next to me,as he rode the wolf.

"Haha that was Rad,.Fi!! :)  "


I noticed we passed a few hills, and then entered the forest up ahead. We passed a couple of trees, then we passed trees that are old & dying, then after awhile we passed dead trees, and there was a small dark lake on the right. Wow! This place keeps getting creepier and creepier. The air here is heavy and foggy. I started to get nervous

I glanced at Marshall, he looked like he was having fun.

"Fionna, on the count of three, Jump!! Allright??" He said smiling so creepy.

"O-okey" I must focus,

"One" Marshall started counting

Focus! Jump on the count of tree.!!


Okey Fionna, ready!!


"Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!" I was thrown up very high in the air, and now I'm falling...every second, the ground was getting nearer and nearer nearer..


As I screamed I waited for the impact on the ground,but nothing came.

"AAAAAAAH! I'm gonna DIE!! Sorry glob!!!!"

"AHAHAHAHAH!!!" I heard a voice above me laughing. Wait what??!!

-____-  Marshall Lee, he was holding my shoulders before I could hit the ground.

"PFft!! You could have seen your face!!! PRICELESS!! HaHAHAHA...!!!" He said as he landed me on the ground, still laughing holding his stomach,and acting crazy.

"You were like: GLOOOOB!!AAAAAAAAAH help!!!..Hahahaha!!" He screamed,.mimicking my girl voice.

Why you little prankster!!!
I got close to him, and then punched him hard on his gut.  He was on his knees holding his gut.

"Glob You Marshall!! You tell me to jump on 3 and you toss me high up in the air letting me think I would fall then You catch me then start laughing at me!! I actually thought I'd you know how High that was??!! Glob it You Jerk!! what's wrong with you!!!" I said as I scolded him arms crossed.

"Pfft. Hahaha...haha" he's still laughing

"You jerk! You're still laughing?!!" I snapped at him..

"Hehehe. Sorry you just looked so,..freaked out back there..hehe..okey ok enough,enough." He said as he stood up.

I stared at him for awhile, searching for any hint of pranks in him.

"Ok..were here!!" Marshall said as he spread his arms, referring to the place.

"Do you always ride wolves just to get to this place?" I asked him sarcastically

"Nah! I just rode wolves this time just to make it harder for you.

I playfully punched him on his shoulders

"So??. All I see is a lake,dead trees and..more dead trees." I said looking around

"No, Look there!" He pointed at a very huge tree, much bigger than our treehouse. Atleast that's what I see.

It was a huge tree with very long leaves that looked like kelp hanging like a curtain., the tree looked like a dome that was covered by a curtain of long kelp like leaves. The leaves have small pale white flowers.

"Atleast it has flowers." I said looking at Marshall.

"Follow me." He said as he lead the way.

He shoved the curtain of leaves away and entered the tree.
I followed him.

As I entered the curtain of leaves , small leaves and flowers stuck to my hair.

After a few steps of walking. I saw...



guys! guys! guys! im so happy!! you know why?!  someone finally read my story!! I'm so happy and thaaank you sooooo much, whoever you are!

and because of this, i will try my best to update and complete this story as fast as I cam,,Glob I'm soooo happy right now!!

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