Getting the girls

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"Kevin do you hear that?" Fawn asks as they were walking by the abandoned hospital cause they were looking for a way into the building so they could see who was making that crying sound cause that had them worried that there might be a child in there or worse a baby crying that needed saving inside the building that was falling down and ready or collapse   

"Yeah we better go in the main hospital and find the better way in," he says as they head in to see if they could head to that part of the hospital

Kevin and Fawn went to the floor where everyone was right now so they could go in that way and to where the crying was coming from 

"Who are you two?" Logan asks when he saw Kevin and Fawn appear from the stairs 

"I am Kevin from Glee and this is my friend Fawn from Ohio she is just visiting, for a few days right now cause she is wanting a career, change," Kevin says as he was introducing Fawn to the guys as they heard the crying still 

"Nice to meet you," Logan says as he and the others shook their hands

"Pleasure to meet you as well," Kevin says as the group was going to come up with a plan as they were going to go in together to figure out the crying situation 

"Okay, what is going to be the plan of action?" Louis asks them cause they had to get something together and fast cause the building could collapse at any time and that worried them

"I am going in there myself to see cause the crying is getting louder, and louder" Fawn says as she went in the abandoned building with her light sword cause the building didn't have any lights on at all and that was scary enough, so she needed some light to see where she was going and watch for live wire

"Be careful" Kevin calls to her as he watch as she went in the building cause she had more guts then any of them and that was scary enough

"I will" she says as she turns around before she went more into the building

The guys saw her light disappear before they slide down the wall to wait the outcome of all of this    

The guys held their breath as she went in to see about the crying and who was crying and how many of the girls were in danger as well cause they were scared for their safety as well since the building was ready to cave in at any moment as well

"I hope she is okay," Kevin says as he was looking at the hallway where Fawn went to get one or more of the girls

Soon they could hear her singing a lullaby to one of the little ones to soothe them cause they were really upset right now, and her singing was helping calm the babies down the best that could right now cause they were really scared cause of the wires that were hanging

"Well?" Harry asks as he sees her come back and she had a baby girl in her arms and the baby girl cries were dying down as she rocked it slowly to calm her cries and there were more that needed to be saved

"There is a few of them in here if we each take 4 out at a time these babies have a chance at making it and if we don't they are they are all in trouble" she says cause there were a few in there and the group would need to work fast to get them all out before the building collapsed from being so old

The group decided she was going to get as many babies as she could and they were going to do a chain of getting them out cause she knew where the babies were in that building, and she could gather them up quick and take them to who was going to take them to safety

"Fawn I admire your bravery you are braver then any of us combined" Kevin says as he was going to be a part of the chain that was going to pass the babies off once she was able to rescue them cause she can work really fast and she was able to map out where the babies were in the building as well so they could be rescued and taken out. Then they were going to get medical care as well

"Thanks Kevin I guess it's has been building up in me over the years, and it has finally come out after all this time" she says as she went into the next room to get the next group and that is how it went Kevin stayed with her as she was gathering babies do they could be taken out, and gotten to safety to where the guys from one direction were

Fawn was able to get all of the babies that were in the building to where the rest were and the one direction guys were going to keep them occupied until the whole group was out

"Man there is a lot of babies here" Niall says as he was going to play with some of them and a Harry and Louis had their groups as well cause the girls wanted to cuddle cause they were really scared right now, and they wanted to have that attention, so Harry and Louis were going to give them all that attention as they waited for the rest to come out of the building
"There is and they need us" Louis says as he was going to see if there were some food around that could get and the three guys can feed the girls that were out of the building and waiting cause they were getting attached to who was carrying them to safety right now

Harry took off his shirt and many of the girls went over to him cause he had colors on his chest as well as words

"Girls it's okay" Harry says as he was going to show them each tattoo and what color it was and some were going to see Louis cause they saw colors on Louis so Louis was going to tell some of them the colors that he had as he was going to feed them once he came back with goodies for the little ones

"How many are left?" Niall asks as Kendall came out with another bunch that was found in the building

"Not many left Fawn is on this floor she went to the second floor then the third to get the ones that were rescued already" Kendall says as he went back for close to the last group of girls cause there were a lot and Fawn was going against the clock to get them out, and to safety as well cause the building was ready to collapse as well from being so old

"Wow she is working fast" Harry says as he was looking at the clock cause she could get that many girls out in that amount of time

"I say she is" Niall says as he was holding one of them cause she was really scared and he was going to comfort the ones that need it the most right now

Harry, Louis and Niall kept the babies occupied as they waited for the group to be done getting the girls out of the building and to safety

"This group is special Fawn just found them" Logan says as he came out with the birth defects group of the bunch cause he was going to stay with them cause Kendall was going to carry the last bunch that Fawn found then Kevin will follow with Fawn 

"Can one of you get a wheelchair?" Kendall asks cause Fawn just went down as she was still rescuing cause she was close to where the group was

Louis gets the chair and takes it to her

"Here we go you were going against the clock" Louis says as he was helping her cause Kevin and Kendall were going to get the rest out 

"Thanks Louis the one room was filled with smoke cause the one wire was burning and I guess my legs collapsed from this all" she says as she was going to still assist with the rescue 

(Much later)

"Here they come" Harry says when he saw Louis pushing Fawn who had the newborns of the group and they were not happy at all 

"I vote we get all of these girls checked out" Niall says 

"Plus I vote to get Fawn checked out" Kevin says for her cause Fawn was coughing a lot 

There was not vote the group headed to the ER with the girls and Fawn of course to get all of them checked out and examined and tell the hospital about that part   

"Where's Zayn?" Harry asks Louis 

"He left cause he could not deal with this" Louis says to him as they headed to the ER with the girls who were really scared 

"I think we did pretty good with just the three of us" Harry tells them 

"Yeah we did and this one loves me" Niall says as he had one of the girls in his arms cause she wanted to be held cause Louis was pushing the others in a bed that they had found to keep the girls safe 

Louis and Harry had the other two beds that were cribs so the ones that were mobile were safe as they were moving to the emergency room 

The girls get checked out is next 

The abandoned baby girl orphanage and hospital wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now