Kogan and Fevin come in and heading in

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Okay I decided I am not going to have Daniel Radcliffe in the story after all due to my schedule being the way it is right now cause we might be losing someone due to something that they did earlier in the week, and I might be closing on Thursday night sometimes for a little bit stay tuned to find out  

"Guys I have to use the loo," Harry says as he heads in to use the restroom cause he had so much water he had to pee really bad right now

The rest of the group follows cause they had to go as well, and they were going to stay inside cause it was cooler inside the hospital as well better then what it was outside, and the group heads to the very top floor cause it had a part of the hospital that was connected to something and the group was going to find out what it was the hospital was connected to

"This is just creepy," Niall says as they were walking to the creepy part of the hospital and they were going to see what was beyond there and then go from there

"I say, Niall," Harry says as they entered the one part the hospital was connected too, and they were going to wait for some more people to show up so they could go in together and see what was behind there, and it was going to be better to have more than four go in together so if it is scary they won't have anything to be scared of right now

"I vote we wait to see who else shows up cause that place is just plain creepy," Louis says as he was looking at what was behind there cause if they went in together something bad might happen to them, and they might lose one another as well so Louis wanted to wait for more people to come

"I second that," Harry says as he was looking down the empty building and it was looking scary to him as well

"Okay we will stay here," Zayn says as the group parks it, and was going to wait to see who else comes 

(a few minutes later)

Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson were walking just enjoying the day in general cause it is so pretty outside, and they were hanging out just like old times right now cause the band was officially broken up for good, but they might get back together one day down the road maybe if they were lucky but they were not that lucky at all-cause James and Carlos were busy and they had their lives as well as their careers as wells Carlos was busy with making movies and going organic as well and promoting oils as well       

"What do you think is in the abandoned part of the hospital?" Kendall asks Logan once they have approached it cause it was pretty much run down and was not in that great of shape right now so they were going to see if anyone was in that part of the hospital as well cause it might collapse at any moment, and that worried them as well if someone was in the building, and if it collapsed there was a chance that someone could get killed or get seriously hurt in the process and the lights were not too good     

"I don't know let's go see if anyone or anybody is in there," Logan says as they went into the hospital to see what they could see right now cause it was really creepy and they could see shadows inside the building as well so they were going to go in and investigate the building and if anyone else was there as well  

Kendall and Logan went to the elevator and up to the floor that has do not enter on it cause they were curious of what was in the abandoned building as well cause they did not like there were shadows in the building right now, so they were really curious right now of what the devil was going on in that building     


"Okay, what are you guys doing here?" Harry asks when he saw Kendall and Logan appear where they were right now  waiting for others to come so they could go in together and see if anyone or a group was in there, and they knew it was more then one person by the sounds that were heard inside of the abandoned building as well cause that scared them right now to the bone    

"Asking you the same thing," Kendall says to Harry as he was looking at them cause they were wondering if there were there for the same reason the others were there of course  

"Probably the same thing you guys are here," Louis says to them 

"I say we wait for someone else to come and then we go in together to see what is in there cause it is super spooky," Logan says as he looks in the abandoned building as the ceiling tiles fall down in front of them  

Soon they could hear a cry for help from inside the abandoned building, and they were fighting it to go in and see who or what was crying  

"We better stay here," Kendall says as he was standing in the good part of the hospital as they heard the cry from inside the falling building   

"Yeah we better cause it could be dangerous in there," Louis says as they waited for more people to come so they could go in all together to see where the crying was coming from  

(Minutes later)

"Kevin do you hear that?" Fawn asks as they were walking by the abandoned hospital cause they were looking for a way into the building so they could see who was making that crying sound cause that had them worried that there might be a child in there or worse a baby crying that needed saving inside the building that was falling down and ready or collapse    

"Yeah we better go in the main hospital and find the better way in," he says as they head in to see if they could head to that part of the hospital 

Kevin and Fawn went to the floor where everyone was right now so they could go in that way and to where the crying was coming from  

"Who are you two?" Logan asks when he saw Kevin and Fawn appear from the stairs  

"I am Kevin from Glee and this is my friend Fawn from Ohio she is just visiting, for a few days right now cause she is wanting a career, change," Kevin says as he was introducing Fawn to the guys as they heard the crying still  

"Nice to meet you," Logan says as he and the others shook their hands 

"Pleasure to meet you as well," Kevin says as the group was going to come up with a plan as they were going to go in together to figure out the crying situation  

"Okay, what is going to be the plan of action?" Louis asks them cause they had to get something together and fast cause the building could collapse at any time and that worried them 

"I am going in there myself to see cause the crying is getting louder, and louder" Fawn says as she went in the abandoned building with her light sword cause the building didn't have any lights on at all and that was scary enough, so she needed some light to see where she was going and watch for live wire

"Be careful" Kevin calls to her as he watch as she went in the building cause she had more guts then any of them and that was scary enough 

"I will" she says as she turns around before she went more into the building 

The guys saw her light disappear before they slide down the wall to wait the outcome of all of this     

The guys held their breath as she went in to see about the crying 

"I hope she is okay," Kevin says as he was looking at the hallway where Fawn went

Soon they could hear her singing a lullaby 

"Well?" Harry asks as he sees her come back and she had a baby girl in her arms

"There is a few of them in here if we each take 4 out at a time these babies have a chance" she says cause there were a few in there and the group would need to work fast to get them all out 

The abandoned baby girl orphanage and hospital wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now