Coming soon

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Like all of my stories i do i do a coming soon chapter to get things started of course, and then the first chapter always goes up right after 

Okay here is a new story written by me of course. This story going to have Niall, Louis, Zayn and Harry from one direction. Kendall and Logan from big time rush. Kevin from glee. Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter, and maybe some other celebrities when i think of them, and of course yours truly. Somewhere in California behind the famous Cedar-Sinai hospital there is a abandoned baby orphanage and hospital. There are babies left inside since the orphanage closed up days before, and the owner just left the babies there. Each of the celebrities come and adopt a baby girl, and take her home and raise her as their own daughter. All of the babies will have different names through the story. I of course will be living in California and not like my other stories where I am with Kevin. This story will be on either the everyday line-up, every other day or a certain day line-up i think it will go on Thursday's line-up this week that way i have more time to brainstorm everything to get this story off the ground again cause i have to do names, and decide if there will be couples this time around, and i don't think so this time around. I am going to do a little girl version of this book same characters and everything I might get that up tonight and work on it this week some more cause this week is pretty short with hours, and everything       

The abandoned baby girl orphanage and hospital wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now