Part 4

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"I vote we get all of these girls checked out," Niall says

"Plus, I vote to get Fawn checked out," Kevin says for her cause Fawn was coughing a lot

There was not a vote in the group headed to the ER with the girls and Fawn, of course, to get all of them checked out and examined and tell the hospital about that part

"Where's Zayn?" Harry asks Louis

"He left cause he could not deal with this" Louis says to him as they headed to the ER with the girls who were really scared

"I think we did pretty good with just the three of us," Harry tells them

"Yeah, we did and this one loves me," Niall says as he had one of the girls in his arms cause she wanted to be held cause Louis was pushing the others in a bed that they had found to keep the girls safe

Louis and Harry had the other two beds that were cribbed together so the ones that were mobile were safe as they were moving to the emergency room and Kevin and Kendall had the special babies while Logan pushed Fawn to the ER


Harry and Niall explained about the babies and Fawn of course and all of them were taken back to be seen and a nurse came out to get Fawn and take her back

"I hope she is okay," Kevin says as he looks to where they took her

"It is just a broken leg or ankle she is fine," Kendall says as he was thinking of a name for his little one

"I think we should not do names that will make our kids get picked on," Niall says to the guys

"I agree there, so hopefully we can go back and see all of them and then we can see what names will fit our little ones" Logan says as he was waiting as well to go back and see his little girl cause he was missing her like crazy right now

Everyone agreed that they were going to go back all together and see about the girls, and Kevin was ready to see Fawn again and see how she was doing since she rescued all those babies from that orphanage


Kevin went up to the window and see if he could go back and see about Fawn and see how she was doing and if her leg or foot were broken, and they let him go in to see her and he was going to see about the babies and see how they were doing as well, and soon Daniel from the Harry Potter movies came into the waiting room and he was wondering what was going on

"Who are you people?" Daniel asks the group

The group introduces themselves to Daniel and told him what was going on and he wanted to adopt some of the baby's cause they needed a home after he heard how many got rescued from the abandoned building, he wanted to see which ones he wanted cause those girls were terrified of what was happening to them

"I guess we can go back and see the girls and see how they are doing" Harry says as he gets up to go back

"I am going to check on Fawn before going to check on our two cause we have falling in love with the cutest set of twins" Kevn says as he was heading back as well to see how Fawn was


Fawn waves to Kevin as he came into the room cause she was on a breathing treatment cause she had smoke in her lungs and the doctors wanted to get it out of her lungs right now

"Don't speak okay babe you rest okay" he says as he sees that she was tired from the rescue, and he saw her leg wasn't fixed yet so maybe they will come and take her to x ray in time to get her fixed up right

Fawn nods as she was ready to go to sleep, but she didn't want to sleep right now cause she wanted to check on the babies and see if they were okay

"Fawn take it easy I will check on our two that we are taking with us" he says as he kisses her

Fawn smiled as she was able to rest a little better that the two that they were going to take were safe right now

"How's my leg?" she asked him

"You broke it and you will have to be in a cast for a while until it heals and don't worry, I am going to take extra good care of you while you are on the mend, and we have to come up with names for our girls cause the hospital would want to know what we are naming those two cuties that are across the hall from you" he says as he looks into her eyes right now cause he could see that she was getting tired right now and she needed to sleep and she was going to sleep later

"Okay what names are you thinking of the two girls?" she asks him cause she wanted to see them really bad right now

"I was going to let that up to you" he says as he holds her hand right now

Fawn was thinking of the names that she wanted to name two of the girls cause they were going to be their girls cause they were destined to be their daughters no matter what

"I am going to go the Disney route with our two cause I have went Disney a lot like three times so far not to give my kids Disney theme names and music middle names as well" Fawn says as she was still in pain right now cause the emergency room didn't give her anything for the pain quite yet so she was miserable as could be right now

"Sounds like a plan to me I'm going to get one of the girls that was attached to you like a koala bear cause I hear her calling out for you" Kevin says as he left to get the little girl that was really scared right now of where she was at and who she was with right now

"That sounds like a plan to me cause it seems that she is really scared, and she wants mommy" Fawn says as she was sitting up in her bed cause she heard all of the girls calling out for her cause they think she is their mommy cause she rescued them from doom

Kevin brings in the one girl and she was hooked on him as well cause she was really scared

"Look there's mommy" he says as he brought her in to see Fawn and she could cuddle with her as well cause she needed that comfort

"Hey sweet angel" Fawn says as she cuddles with the little one that really wanted her bad

Fawn was thinking of what she was going to be called and she ended up with the perfect name for her

"Belle it's okay sweetie" Fawn says as she was talking to her right now to calm her down cause she was really terrified

Fawn rocked Belle side to side to calm her down and it was working she was calming down a little bit and her cries went to cooing sounds as well and Fawn was glad she calmed down after a while

"I think she wanted mommy" Kevin says as he was looking at little Belle

"Yeah she did and we should get her sister or her room mate" Fawn says cause she wanted to keep the girls together

Kevin went in search of her room mate and get her together with Belle cause she was missing her sister right now and that was understandable in his eyes, and he was able to find her a few rooms down and he brought her to where Belle was and the girls were very happy once again to be together as well

"Well that did not take long" Fawn says as she looks at the girls who were very happy to be together once again in the same room and not in different rooms either

more will come I hope in time again but we will see what happens cause I'm still working every Thursday for the future right now once again cause of no help and that's staying true right now and it looks like it's going up on my vacation for sure cause of no help

The abandoned baby girl orphanage and hospital wattys 2023Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora