❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅

Start from the beginning

Rolando was sure glad things had gone well for him. "I am just glad things went well. Oh, what else did you have on your agenda today? I know you didn't come here just to chat, here let me get you something to eat." He called over the waiter and ordered what he knew Vincent would like.

Vincent was glad for Rolando, even though before he had been taking him for granted, no longer would he be doing so. "Do you have the address for my mother? She is my next stop today after lunch. Though don't be surprised if I get cold feet. Unlike my father, I believe she moved on and has a whole nother life." He wouldn't be surprised if she had.

Rolando reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. He handed it over to Vincent. "Here is her address. I made a few calls and was able to find her place. I do now owe them a few favors because of asking for her address. I don't know much about her, just for the past ten years she has lived here." He wasn't trying to make Vincent feel bad, just tell him how hard it was.

Vincent couldn't have been more grateful that he used his sources to find his mother. He took the paper and tucked it into his breast pocket. "Thank you, Rolando, this means a lot to me." He paused for a moment before continuing on another topic. "Do you think Risa will tear up the letter I am writing to her as an apology?" He asked curiously, still trying to find a way to apologize to her.

Rolando was going to be brutally honest with how things had played out. It wasn't going to be anything he wanted to hear. "Hard to tell Vincent. Most likely she will throw it away without reading it because she was hurt badly. I will personally give it to her and urge her to at least read it then afterward she can do what she wishes." He offered hoping that helped, being honest was the way to go.

Vincent was feeling a bit down knowing that she would rip it up, but there was nothing he could do about it. At least he would try than anything else was up to Risa. Once the letter was given it was beyond his control. "Thank you, Rolando, that would mean a lot. Now, I must dig in before this gets cold and have a full stomach to see my mother. Let's just hope I don't end up throwing it all up due to nerves."

Rolando nodded his head, taking a sip of his drink. "You will be fine Vincent, just be yourself and don't stress out over matters beyond your control. Just keep things simple and don't hope for things beyond your reach so you don't get hurt in the end." It may have been harsh but it was the truth.

Vincent nodded, not saying another word as he ate his lunch. He had a lot going on inside his head, mostly it was about meeting his mother and having not seen her in years. He hoped it went as well as it did with his father, but yet again, she probably had a whole new life and had forgotten about him.

Soon, lunch was finished, and bidding Rolando goodbye, Vincent went to go find his mother's house. He looked at the address Rolando had written down on the small paper many times until he finally found it. He had asked a few people where the address was. Everything matched town to the little brick house and in the grass was a croquet mallet and hoop wickets in a zigzag line. It seemed Rolando did more than merely get an address, not that he would take full credit for anything he did.

He went up to the house and placed his hand up towards the door. He pulled it away having second thoughts about doing this. What if she rejected him and slammed the door in his face? He took a deep breath reminding himself of what Rolando said. He needed to do this no matter the outcome. He was still reeling from how good it went with his father, so he was holding out things would go well with his mother.

He knocked on the door, not a harsh knock but a gentle knock about three times. He felt sick. The knot in his stomach tightened with every second that passed. He stepped back away from the door and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Perhaps she wasn't home? There was no car parked in the driveway so maybe she was out? He might have to come back later.

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