Chapter 4

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I'm in a meadow. Mother and father are there, among the daisies and grass. The world was foggy, like the sky had an overcast, but the light shined through. It tinted my world yellow and made the colours glow mistily around me.

I squinted and tried to focus my vision. My mind was jumbled and a mess as emotions ran wild. Pepper was at my side, silent and watching ahead. Not moving when I looked down at him. I looked back up and found myself beginning to run to them. Pepper nuzzled at my thigh as he ran beside me but all I could think about was my desire to reach for mother and father on the other side as they stood with their backs to me. Mothers dress swaying in the breeze. I could see father's favourite tan coat he used to wear. The leather faded at the elbows from the years.

Father and Mother?  I ran, even though my ankles felt as though I have had boulders strapped to them like a prisoner. Unable to run and the wait became heavier and heavier, I pushed forward trying to break the invisible weight, but Mother and Father seemed to be even further away and my vision tunnelling. I cried and I cried. I called out their names but they wouldn't turn around. I screamed and screeched, desperately. It felt as though my heart was ripped out and was with them. Far away and untouchable. Dangerously out of reach.

Pepper continued to try getting my attention, I just swatted him away, he didn't complain. I fell to my knees as I gave up on my rooted legs. Why mother?! Father?! Turn around please! I had to see their faces. Why couldn't I remember their faces? I got right back up, fell, and then pulled myself up again, dragging my feet like I was running a race in a swamp. They just stood there. Right there in front of me. I felt so close.

Father! Pepper barked at me as I yelled. Mother! I fell again. Pepper nuzzled at my rib. What Pepper?

I was sobbing not taking my eyes off my parents, still clawing to drag myself along the grass. Say something!  I eventually yelled at Pepper, his eyes just vacantly staring as I glimpsed at him in the corner of my eye.

My sight still on them. Then they began to move. My heart dropped as they slowly started lifting their arms, together in unison until their hands met and clasped together, fingers intertwining, nothing else of their body even flitching. It was like they were in slow motion, moving through thick liquid causing their movements to linger but their body's that of a mechanical robot that nothing else moved. I clawed at the ground, desperately holding on to what little hope I had. Then they started to walk, painfully slowly as I was stuck here. I reached out my arm, as though I could just grab at the image in front of my eyes with my bare hand. I regained my feet, pushing desperately. They started to disappear. No! Come back! Please! I can't be alone! As their body's dissipated into thin air, Pepper came to stand in front of me, his eyes blank and tears running down his snout making his fur wet and a dark colour.

They are never coming back Alma.

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