Chapter 3

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The world was black. Scratches and bruises screamed all over my body. My head was throbbing. The muscles in my legs and arms ached. Even though I was sitting, the discomfort due to the soreness and hunger caused me agony. Pretty sure my rib is broken, no, just the anguish of my empty stomach, or a deep bruise but nothing seemed to be noted as serious. Honestly it was too hard to tell the difference. My throat was dry and feet were throbbing and the chill of my skin felt like it was engraining itself through to my muscles and had frozen my bones. God this hurts. So cold. What's that? A body lay next to mine, careful not to place itself in the tender areas. My shivering that was uncontrollable grew to a halt and my body temperature started to warm. The chill retreating and the numbness in my skin resided. I was finally able to breathe calmly as my hyperventilating and shivering reduced to a stop. I didn't miss the entity next to me until it was gone; their lavender sent wafting in the air in their leave.

I continued to zone in and out of consciousness for the next minute or so. I swear I heard someone sneeze. Memories played across my mind. I went to reach out and grab them, to unfold them, only to have them slip away. I tried another and another with no such luck, frustration was starting to set in as I sluggishly began to wake.

Then a hand, ever so gently, tickling the insides of my palm focused my drifting attention. It began drawing lines and shapes in the creases of my skin. The tickle of the touch drew me into my wake, drawing open my eyes. It took me a second or two for them to adjust only to come face to face with an old dog growling in my face. It was defensive it was hunched over, ready to strike. Its old brittle greying hair on end and his large canine teeth on full show. I looked left and right, my body prepared for fight or flight. My heart felt like it dropped as my hormones kicked in. My hands were tied and I had no means of escape as I kicked my legs to try and veer back not able to hit at the floor in the reclined seat to push away any further. The more I moved my head the dizzier I got. When I gave up on freaking out I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the bite to come but it didn't. I opened my eyes, my dizziness calming. The dog stopped, drawing back reluctantly as a dainty porcelain foot from under a blanket on the opposite chair nudged at the dogs' fur with its toes. Eventually with a huff the dog sat, teeth still bared and rumbling growl humming in its throat. I looked at its owner.

A girl not that much younger than me. Her doe like eyes poked out from behind the hessian blanket round and intrigued as she peaked over. Curiosity glowed in them as the sparks of the fire licked and flicked within their reflection. She slowly let the blanket drop as she stood, holding her elbows with in her arms protectively over her chest. Her fingers clutching the fabric of her white lacy sun dress, letting the skirt fall from her tinny figure as she stood. Her blond hair was dread locked and wild with toughs of hair separate and curly on top that sat at chin length while the rest of it swayed at her waist in its thick dreads. Neat and groomed even the curls on top were perfect ringlets. Her little hands delicate like the rest of her. Her aura just dulcet and untamed, making her looks fay like. The addition of how she wears her hair with a little braid here and a daisy tucked in there just brought it all together to made her appear to be something of a fairy tale. I almost asked myself it she had wings but disregarded it when she looked away, cheeks flushed as I stared. She would have taken my breath away if I could actually feel weather I was breathing in the first place, I was that lost in her. I tried to swallow but the saliva wouldn't form. She moved forward whispering and clicking her tongue so soft I could barely hear it. She looked back, reaching out to me ever so slowly but this time her eyes never leaving mine like she was trying to tame a horse. I backed away in the seat again, but not as hastily as before, but the ropes at my wrist still held tight. I shook my head trying to get out of my dream like state but it just made me dizzier. I looked back at the girl; just looking at her had me wondering if this really was reality.

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