Hate & Love: The Thin Line || Part Five

Start from the beginning

—You don't have to do this, kitty —Draco tells you with tears in his eyes.

—I'm gonna be close to Hope, baby. She needs her mum right now —tears start rolling down your cheeks.

—I need you too.

You cup his beautiful face gently with your hands and bite his lower lip kittenishly. He pulls you closer and smothers you with kisses. Both of you start turning on with every kiss, and end up making love on the carpet in front of the fireplace...

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Hope is so glad to have you at Hogwarts, even though it's just for a month. You taught her to be strong, confident and independent during that month. All that bullying doesn't affect her now. Hope and you have a mother and daughter time on weekends. Many boys at school have a crush on you. They go wild when you wear Draco's Quidditch jersey on weekends.

Draco and you owled each other every day and he is now at the school. He drove to Hogwarts just to pick you up and take you home. Hope is so glad to see him and so are you. Draco and you feel so relieved knowing that Hope is stronger now.

When Draco and you get home, he carries you bridal style and takes you to your bedchamber, like he did in your honeymoon. He lays you on bed and you pull him closer, making him lay comfortably between your legs.

—I missed you, my queen —he tells you sweetly.

—I missed you too, my king —you caress his beautiful face. He drops a delicious juicy kiss on your lips and slides his hands underneath your skirt—. I love you, Draco —a tear of joy starts rolling down your cheek.

—I love you too, (Y/N) —he wipes your tear away by kissing it—. Babe —he gently bites your lower lip.

—Hottie —you gasp.

—I want you —he gently wipes his tongue against yours.

—I want you more...

After a super hot makeout session, you both end up making love like there's no tomorrow...

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Hope is known as the Princess of Slytherin among the boys at school. She started a modeling career at age 13, like her brother Scorpius. She became a fashion designer at age 15. Scorpius is more than glad to model her designs. She has a very special task now: she is making the groom and bride suits for Scorpius and Pansy. Draco and you are very proud of her achievements.

Scorpius had his happy ending by marrying his long time girlfriend Pansy. On the other hand, Hope's boyfriend made her suffer by cheating on her. Her heart broke into pieces and she stopped believing in love. She focused on her career and nothing else since then.

At age 17, something unexpected happened to Hope. She found true love in the least thought place. She started dating Scorpius' best friend Albus since the day he saved her life. He saved her from drowning in the beach and their whole worlds changed.

Albus was on the beach with his friends and noticed that someone was drowning in the ocean. He swam to rescue that person without hesitating. It was a girl. He took the girl in his arms and laid her on the sand. He was shocked when he recognized the girl. It was Hope. She wasn't breathing and looked paler than usual:

—Hope! Hope! Stay with me! —He started giving her chest compressions but she still didn't breathe—. No no no, Hope, stay with me! —He started mouth to mouth resuscitation. Hope started coughing and expelling water from lungs. She sat on the sand and broke down into tears.

—Albus —she hugged him with all her strengths.

—Don't cry, I'm here.

—I owe you my life.

—You don't owe me anything, beautiful.

She cupped his face gently with her hands and looked deeply into his beautiful grape green eyes. He tucked her hair behind her ears and got lost in her beautiful grey eyes. She closed her eyes and he gave her a tender kiss on the lips...

Albus is 12 years older than Hope. Each one comes from a different war. However, they're like two drops of water. Each one has what the other needs. Hope is 20 now and she is happily married. While Scorpius and Pansy are expecting second child, Hope and Albus are expecting twins. Draco and you are so excited about having your manor full of little munchkins soon...

It's crazy how life is. The Malfoys and the Potters are a family now, and none of this would have happened if Draco wouldn't have hidden your diary in Sixth Year, when the thin line between hate and love broke.

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Author's Notes

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Author's Notes

(Y/N) = Your Name

Song lyrics from "Trouble" by The Backstreet Boys.

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