★ | 121. die for you, supernatural

Start from the beginning

"Okay... but, um..." Dean paused and looked at the ground. "Nothing. Forget it."

★ ★ ★

When they arrived at Bobby's house, [name] jumped out of the car and sped walked into the house, hearing Dean call after him but he ignored it and continued moving forward.

"Guys! I'm back!" He yelled at. Sam and Bobby slowly entered the room, looking at him with wide eyes. "Thanks for being there when I woke up you jerks. I can see how much you care." He joked, receiving no laughs.

Dean came up beside him, sliding his hand in his. "Look, he's fine. I told you he would be." His voice was stern.

"What did you do?" Bobby asked, his voice shaky. He hadn't been able to take his eyes of [name] since he walked into the house. Neither had Sam and it was starting to freak the man next to Dean out.

The room was silent and filled with tension. "What's going on? Why is everyone acting weird?" No one answered and he was getting more frustrated with the situation. "Don't ignore me! First Dean and now you two? What happened while I was out?"

"Nothing happened." Dean responded before either of the other two could. "There just shocked that you're up and walking already. Looks like you're stronger than they gave you credit for."

"Yeah... yeah, that's it." Sam added on, walking over to him with a tight smile and pulling him into a hug. One that was so tight it nearly knocked the breath out of him. "I'm glad you're okay, man."

"Thanks but you're loosen up on the hug a bit? You're crushing me." He wheezed out and Sam pulled back with an apology. "It's fine." Bobby was the one who hugged him next and he felt his shoulders shake, like he was crying. "You two are acting like I died. Look at me. I'm completely fine. Calm down." He laughed at them. "Though it is sweet that you're worrying so much."

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Soon, [name] found himself sitting at the table, shoving a whole bunch of food in his mouth. His stomach was yelling at him to slow down and speed up at the same time. He was so hungry.

He leaned back in his chair, looking at the empty plate in front of him. He looked around the room, noticing he was the only one in there. Where did everyone go?

He stood up and made his way around the house, not finding anyone anywhere. He didn't see them until he was at the front door and saw them standing in a circle in the front yard. He leaned closer to the door to hear what they were saying.

"How could you do this Dean?! How do you think he's going to react when he finds out?" Sam nearly yelled but was quickly shushed by his brother.

"He will probably kill me but it doesn't matter. As long as he is here safe and sound. Than I don't care what happens to me."

"Yeah, we can see that." Bobby snapped gruffly. "Aren't you always the way saying if something is dead it should stay dead? Well, what happened to that motto?"

"It went straight out of the window as soon as the love of my life died!" Dean yelled. "I did what I had to do."

"You made a deal with a crossroads demon! You're an idiot, Dean! How do you think [name] is going to feel when he finds out that he is the reason you are going to die?"

Dean opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't because the door to the house slammed open and [name] stood there, his eyes blazing. "Yeah, Dean? How did you think I would feel, huh?" His voice was getting progressively louder. "I knew there was something going on but I never thought... how could you do this?! I should have stayed dead!"

"Don't say that!" Dean ran over to him, trying to grab his hands but [name] kept pulling away. "I had to do it. I couldn't let you die."

"And now you're going to die because of me!"

"Don't you do that. Don't blame yourself for a choice I made. I was being selfish, okay? I couldn't live without you." Dean started to cry as he spoke.

"And now I'm the one going to live without you. How is that fair? Ten years isn't long enough Dean."

Dean eye's looked to the ground. "I don't have ten years. I only have one. It was all they would give me to bring you back." He whispered.

[name] felt like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest and he nearly found himself collapsing to the floor. "You idiot." Was all he could say. He brought his hands up to cover his eyes. "How could you?" He finally let Dean wrap him in a hug and it made everything feel more real. "I'm not going to let you die. I'm going to find a way to save you. I promise."

Don't make promises you can't keep, was what Dean wanted to say but he couldn't hurt [name] anymore than he already had so he just nodded, even though he knew it was impossible.

He was going to die in a years time. So he was going to spend this last year with his loved ones, making as many happy memories as he could for them to remember him by.

★ ★ ★

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