★ | 121. die for you, supernatural

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 121: Die For You, Supernatural
Word Count: 1473

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 121: Die For You, Supernatural Word Count: 1473

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He was so cold when he woke up. Shivering even though he was under two thick blankets. His mind was in a haze as his eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light, burning slightly. With the little strength he had, he looked to the side, seeing Dean was holding his hand with his head pressed against it. "Dean..." He murmured.

Dean shot up so quickly that [name] would have jumped back in shock if he wasn't so drowsy. "You're awake. Thank god, you're awake." He said, wrapping him up in a tight hug. "I thought I lost you."

"What happened?" He asked, trying to sit up only for a loud groan of pain to leave his lips. He brought his hand up to cradle his head.

"You don't... you don't remember? You were shot. It was, um, it was a pretty close call. You lost a lot of blood." Dean cleared his throat, running his fingers through his lovers hair.

He brought his hand down to touch his chest as the memory flashed through his mind. The pain and the screams. Not just from him but from Dean as well. He could have sworn the bullet punctured his heart. There was no way he could have survived that. "How am I alive?" He questioned himself, clenching his shirt in his hand.

"Don't say things like that. All that matters is that you are alive and I- we saved you." Dean smiled but there was a pain behind that smile. He was hiding something.

"Where is Sam... and Bobby?" He asked, looking around the room. A room he certainly didn't recognise.

In fact, he had no idea where he was. He thought he would be at Bobby's house. He also thought that if he had a near death experience they would be here when he woke up. What was more important than that?

Dean's smile faltered for only a second but it was long enough for the other male to catch. "They went to go get some dinner at Bobby's. We can go there later. For now, you should get some more rest. I don't want you hurting yourself because you couldn't stay put." He finished off.

But that wasn't good enough. [name] shrugged his shoulders up and down before stretching his arms up. He expected to feel some sort of pain but he felt fine.

He was only a bit sluggish. Like he just woke up from a long nap. He swung his legs to the right, hanging them over the bed before standing up. "I feel fine."

Dean jumped up behind him and wrapped his arms around him as if he were about to fall. "J-Just hold on a second. You're getting ahead of yourself. Please just get back into bed."

"I don't want to. I don't need to rest." He insisted back. "I feel like I've been lying down for too long. I want to stretch my legs and go see Sam and Bobby. They don't know I'm awake yet and it'll ease there worrying." Seeing the look on Dean's face, he sighed and continued, "besides, I'm starving and you said they have food, so lets go."

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