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Y'all I got an idiot who followed me skksksksks.


I stood there wishing I've never spoken. Mabel looked nervously around too, avoiding anyone's eyes contact including mine.

Stan got up from his chair, the metal scratching on the wood floors caused me to wrinkle my nose. "He's here, right now in your room, waiting for you, yes?" I nodded sweat covering my skin as I walked backwards.

Stan followed my lead, walking backwards at first, surprising Uncle Ford, Mabel and I as he clapped his hands together walking forward towards me.

I flinched as he past by me. His shoulder barely bumping into mine. I stood there shocked for a second, turning as I understood what he was doing.

"Stan wait."

He froze less than a second as he walked up the stairs. I held my breath, running up the stairs before him, slamming the door shut and locking it.

"Bill." Bill himself froze as he untangled himself form the bed sheets.

"Babe what's wrong?" I walked into his open arms, relaxing as his fingers brushed my hair.

I sighed moving back little. "I told him that you weren't a she but a he. And Stan his coming up he-"

Knuckles came down on the door as the doorknob shook. "Dipper open the door. I want to meet him not kill him."
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It's been about three hours since Stan came into Dippers room. We talked about how we met and who asked who first all that cheesy stuff. Dipper was red faced through the whole three hours, squirming on his spot on the couch when a embarrassing topic flew around the room. Until one sparked me interest the most.

"So who's the top?" Mane asked innocently, she fluttered eyelashes as she looked between Dipper and I, her lips forcing themselves not to smirk.

I smirked instead as I looked over at Dipper, licking my lips as I started him up and down, my gaze still on him when I answered. "The hunter feel in love with the deer." I looked over at Mabel as she blushed slightly.

"Oh, and what did the hunter like about the little deer?"

"The hunter always liked the deer."

Mabel was takin aback as she looked over Dipper smiling when her gaze met mine. "Oh the deer loved the hunt too." Mabel made one last node as she got up to make her leave, he long hair bouncing in her ponytail.

"So does the deer want to play?"

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