Coming Back (1102 words in total)

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Can you tell that I'm bored? It's the second time today I'm doing an update. Well "this girl is on fire"

Place: School and Bus Stop

- Dipper POV -

"Dipper! Let's go we need to pack!" I roll my eyes and smile at friends. "You heard her guys, I'll see you in three months"

As walk out the door, I look at my friends one more time and I wave bye once again. Mabel grabbed my hand and started walking towards the exit. "Because you spent ten minutes flirting with girls we're running late playboy"

I pulled my hand away from Mabel as a girl walked by. Grabbed the unknown girls hand and spun her around twice. "Lookin good babe" I wink and the girl when I notice Mable glaring. And chuckle as I walk over to my sis. "Add two minutes late~r." I rolled the r.

"Asshole. Wait until you meet the one when she's going to hear all of your playful stories about you and your ways. When you act real she's not going believe any of your shit." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not that easy sis. Plus I don't know her but I do know she poured milk on you once." Mabel hissed and smacks my head. "I know you're doing that "move" again, and it's funny, but no!"

"Ruining my fun" I pout. "Let's go and pack, I can't wait" She hisses.

——-two hours later——-

"Bye Mom bye Dad" Mabel and I said together as we hug our parents at the bus stop. " Now be good Dipper, and don't want you coming again with a bruised lip and bloody knuckles," Mom says while swaying her index finger.

"Yea I know you tell me this all the time Mom" Mabel gently shakes my shoulder "I'll watch Dipper for you guys, it's a long drive there so we'll be going now love u guys"

As we walked to the back of the bus, we waved our parents goodbye. The bus driver slowly steps on the gas, and we were off to our destination.

:::::: hours later::::::(can you tell I'm lazy?)

Mabel POV •

Place: Gravity Falls

"Dipper wake up we're here" I violently shake my little brother. My eyes sting as I see the people out the window. Grunkle Stan and Ford, Grenda, Candy, Wendy, and my baby Waddles.

I shake Dipper one more time before I run out the bus and hugged my family. "You guys I've missed you!" They all hugged me in return.

"Now wheres the Little Dipper at?" Grunkle Stan asked as he ruffled his large hand in my hair. "In the bus. I don't know if he woke up yet from his nap, but if he did he's probably in there grabbing all of the luggage, I did leave him in there with all of it."

"The little kid could hardly lift a box full of sock puppets. Well you look really nice Hambone"

"Haha, Thanks, Grunkle, but the one that did get a glow up is Dipper." "Did someone call me?" Dipper charmed as he came down the bus setting all our luggage on the green forest ground.

"Is this your boyfriend Mabel?" "No this is Dipper." I point out. "Now look at you. Your growing into a fine man Lit-Big Dipper. Come here" With that both hugged each other.

"Hey, nice hat" Well that's a surprise. Dipper only wore Wendy's hat twice. The day we left Gravity Falls. And now. "W-Wendy?" "No silly it's a ghost." "Haha, it's good to see you all. I don't really say this a lot but I've missed you all."  I started squealing like a fangirl..again. "Dipper do you still like Wendy?" "Can you stop with your ridiculous ships. And to answer you" "Come on you know you like her!" "Mabel. This is not a place to shout out your stupid thoughts, for the last time, my answer is the same as it was in California. No." I roll my eyes. "Oh please," Dipper responded with a smirk. "I mean you did say I was a playboy." Dipper wiggled his eyebrows causing me to slap the back of his head.

"Dirty minded freak!" This caused everyone to laugh. Besides me. "Sorry sis I was joking. Also, I'm not a playboy." I roll my eyes..again..well this is my thing now rolling my eyes. "Whatever let's just go home" I beamed. Finally the Mystery Shak.


{ Bill POV }

Place: Time Baby's place thing

I hate this place! I hate the Pines. Hate those twins. I hate the stupid thing, Time Baby! I HATE DIPPER!

I hate...everything. "326 come with us" Two time guards grabbed my chains as they pulled me to Time Baby's time room. "326. Do you know why you are here?-" I interrupt the fat thing  "Because I killed 100 of your men. Summoned you to a time where Time is not there. Made Gravity Falls into my territory, opened the door of the nightmare realm. And made myself have the ability of physical form." "Yes, and you used a spell that has been forbidden for centuries. So the time court and I created three tasks for you." Time Bitch took out a small scroll. Unrolling it the thing cleared his throat before speaking again. "1. You must be the guardian of a Pine or all. 2. All other forms will be taken but one, mortality. That includes forever. And 3.  No evil scams."

"Are you insane! I'll kill all the Pines and people at that hell pit! I'll find a way for all abilities to return to me and I will do my evil scams!"

"That's why we will pick a Pine. Punish you if you find a new form. And kill you if any sinister scams!" He breathes and the spoke. "Stan Pines" Time snapped his fingers and a picture of that scum appeared. I hissed. "Well, figures. "How about Ford Pines?" I hiss again at the picture "mm understandable. Mabel Pines?" "No way in all realms!" "Then it's settled, Dipper Pines." "Pine Tree? You want me to take care of that kid. I will not. He that thing ruined my plans my joy!" I scream but Time baby'voice boomed louder "I said it was settled! Now go to your new home 326" 

That was long. It took forever, about two hours or three. But I have editing to do soo duck it...five million years will be the amount after this. Now, my little nasty fucks, you know what to do...

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