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Oooooh, I found the fancy font. I feel, amazing! Not really, but whatever...and like always, this update will trigger your happiness because you think this is an update, yet sadly it is not. It's a chapter were I say random shit that you may or may not want to read about, but if you stay...THANK YOU FOR STAYING! My lonely ass was starting to get numb...you really is a nice human.

In one, two, three, let's bring in the gay!

"Of course you would say it for the hell of it, your Bill Cipher for crying out. Why did I think you were being honest?"

"Dipper! I know that before I taunted you, fooled you, even tricked you into horrible plots. But...but now, now is much more different. My feelings for you are different, I like you, maybe even love you."

Hahahahahhahahaha the L word! Fangirls scream!

Each word that came out of Bill's mouth he took a step closer to my spot on my bed. It's funny how just simple words from his mouth makes me not realize my obvious surroundings. I guess that happens when you're so head-over-heels for someone. Even after his little speech, he crept closer to me like a troubled kitten. Sitting at my feet and rubbing my thighs lightly, up and down, up and down, slowly and comforting.

"Please believe me?"

"I never thought I'd see you beg at my feet. It was my twelve-year-old dream to make the dream demon cower on his knees and beg, for whatever reason. But I never thought you'd beg for me to believe you love me," My right hand found its way stroking his soft golden hair. Making it messy and somewhat sexy. "But I believe you, promise."

Short but...gay. Hope you liked it! 

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