Who is this guy?! [Fixed]

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"Look who finally decided to show." Deadpool said flatly as he saw Spiderman show to the crime scene. "Look I'm sorry but-" He was interrupted by a loud bang. Both heros bent over with hands by there face to brace then selfs for whatever might fall.

Nothing really happened and honestly it's funny how while Keith was gone for about three months, nothing that bad happened. Minus the hostage situation that took place and all the rumors that took place. Keith wondered how many rumors were to come. On the roof of a near by building there where civilians on the roof, looking as they were about to jump. Then they realized why... wait who in the hell is that?!

"Uh who's that?" 'Deadpool' looked at the fellow hero, hard to read each other's faces. "I-" Keith rolled his eyes under the mask. "Guessing you don't know?" Lance shrugs laughing.

*I'm having such writers block*

This unidentified villain pushes some girl off the rooftop, Keith webbed a near by wall and saved the girl before it was to late and gently sat her on the ground. The girl looked shocked. "She's paralyzed, we won't be able to get information out of her." Lance said sounding disappointed. Keith sighed. "Your right, there's no way." Keith looked up, staring at the top of the building. It was nighttime so it was hard to see the persons face.

Who is this guy? What does he want?

All of a sudden a loud thud could be heard from miles away. Everyone at one fell, screamed filled their ears. Keith panicked and let out a web, almost as a trampoline saving all but one person on the far right corner. Lance was quick enough to save the person from smashing their head on the sidewalk, but in the process their leg snapped. Everyone was paralyzed, not sure what to make out of the situation. No one moved or talked, except for the person screaming due to the pain of their broken bone.

Keith felt bad, as almost as it was his fault, but you know what they say. You can't save everyone. All Keith wanted to know was who was this cruel person who did this to these poor people. Whoever it was need to be stop—

"Hear me and hear my call. For an end I wish upon you all."
Omg I am truly sorry guys! I've been just out of ideas for my stories! But I got a few ideas for a chapter or two. Enjoy the cliffhanger 😅😅

(I decided to do short chapters but faster updates with the occasional long chapter)

Edit: April 27th
So. I plan to change up my story. I have an idea so, the next few chapters will be different.

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