
When Egar arrived at the gate of the council, the door was unlocked with no guards. Only Karian was standing, waiting for him in a dimly lit room. 

"I see that you have what I want," Karian glanced at the egg in the basket. 

"Thanks for the antidote. Here is the little disaster," Egar handed the basket to Karian. 

Karian took the basket and immediately put it in an iron safe, laden with protective runes. She closed it and hugged the safe, sighing. 

"Oh baby, I thought I lost you forever," Karian closed her eyes, grinning. 

Egar rolled his eyes and was just about to leave when Karian stopped him. 

"Now that I have the egg in safety, there is something I want to discuss with you, beast. Whether or not you like it, I'm going to go ahead with it. You just need to decide if you will help me, and I promise you that would make everything much easier." 

"What? The deal is over," Egar turned around, puzzled. 

"This is not about the deal or the calciber. It's about you and me." 

"What about you and me?" Egar asked, squinting his eyes in confusion. 

Karian gently put away the iron safe at the corner of the room. 

"It has been a while," Karian smiled. 

Egar's eyes widened as he saw a magician in front of him unfold herself into a gigantic blue dragon with emerald wings. The dragon was easily three times bigger than him and was far more powerful. The shadow of the enormous creature covered Egar as it stretched its wings, looking down at him. The creature spoke in the dragon tongue. 

"I wasn't lying when I told you I only want peace - for a creature like you and me." 



It was 3000 years ago.

"I'm hungry," Karian whimpered as she curled up into a ball. She was only a few decades old, too young to hunt herself. Her family's nest was at the depth of the arctic ocean, a nice cold waves rushing to the cave every now and then. Her family was the keeper of the Phoenix egg, or at least that was how she remembered from thousand of years ago. The dangerous egg was kept safe by the powerful water dragons, in order to block any dangerous creatures who want to use the egg to its own need. 

There used to more water dragons, she heard. The world used to be full of dragons, she read. Until the magicians began to hunt them down. 

She nuzzled her face into her mom's belly, thin and hungry. 

Her dad has gone out to hunt some magicians two months ago. He hasn't returned yet. 

"Are you sure you can stay by yourself for a few days?  Don't venture into the ocean by yourself, alright?" Her mom looked down at her worryingly and Karian nodded, her eyes beaming. 

Her mom left the nest that day. And Karian never saw her afterward. 

Karian lived though. She lived crying out a river or two. She occasionally ate drowning magicians once in a while but she was starving. All the time. 

Why does she need to live like this? Why did her family have to die? Can an appetite be a sin? 

The anger built up inside her and she knew what she wanted when she grew up into a full-sized dragon. She studied magic. She studied how to act human. 

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