Day Twenty-Four: Christmas Eve

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With a bright sun streaming in through the windows, Tony rolled over in his semi-conscious state--his eyes open just the tiniest bit. The way the sun hit Loki made it appear like a halo sat above her head. His eyes were barely open but of course Tony noticed the angelic state of his fiance--wait, no. She is his wife now. Just the thought of his marital status makes him smile. And now he's awake. How could he go back to sleep when his wife is sleeping angelically next to him? His eyes fluttered open for the second time and rested on Loki--her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. He stroked her face with the back of his hand. 

Her eyes fluttered open, first landing on the ceiling before flickering over to Tony. She started smiling, lighting up the room even more. Tony offered her a small smile.

"Go back to sleep, darling. I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered. She shrugged, moving over in bed so she could cuddle with him. Tony laughed and wrapped his arms around her. "You need all the sleep you can get." She rolled her eyes. 

"I'm perfectly capable of waking up whenever I feel like it," she countered. He pulled a face before sticking his tongue out. She shook her head and kissed his forehead. "So far the little monster is letting me sleep. They don't have any movable limbs yet." Tony laughed. "But you will also need to save up your strength, Daddy. We're in this together, remember?" His hand drifted down to rest against the cold skin on her stomach. "Which means we'll both be half-asleep." He nodded. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

With a soft smile, she pressed a tender kiss against his lips and curled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tighter and rested his chin atop her head. She breathed in his signature scent of whiskey and amber, shutting her eyes once more. He nuzzled his nose into her hair, taking in one deep breath. Mentally moaning, he took in another moderately sized breath. The soothing smell of jasmine and lilac--her shampoo--entered his nose and he sighed. 

"Can we just do this all day?" Loki whispered. Tony chuckled. "Like, can this be our pre-honeymoon? Just stay in bed and in your loving arms? The team would leave us alone no matter what we do."

"Sure," he agreed. "We've got nothing else to do." Tony pulled the blanket closer and made sure it was wrapped around them both. "Are you hungry? I can order room service for the two of us." She giggled but raised an eyebrow. "Oh room service!"

"Yes, Mister Stark?" JARVIS responded immediately. Loki rolled her eyes before setting the side of her face against his chest. "What can I get the two of you?"

"Ah, I'll take the special of the day with a nice cold glass of OJ. As for the lady," Tony glanced down at her. "What will the lady have?" She rolled her eyes again.

"I will also take the special of the day." 

He nodded, impressed. "Good choice, good choice. It was Steve's turn to cook so it's gotta be good." Loki cracked a smile, looking up at him. "That will be all, my trusty artificial intelligence." JARVIS hummed before announcing it'll be up in five to ten minutes. Tony turned his attention back to Loki. "You know," he started, his finger trailing up her side. "Today is the first day waking up together as husband and wife." Loki's smile grew as she buried her face into his chest again. "You're my wife now." She nodded. "And I'm your husband." She nodded again. "And I love you with all my heart. There's no getting rid of my now." She looked up.

"I would never want to get rid of you." Tony's expression softened. "You are my life now; you've always been my life. You've felt more like home than Asgard ever did--than Joutunheim ever will." His heart melted a bit. "I love you." He kissed her softly. She pressed the side of her face against his chest, listening to his heart beat in his chest. He closed his eyes this time and rubbed her back.

Five minutes later, Peter came into the room carrying a tray with their breakfast on top. Tony sat up and accepted the tray from him, offering a thank you, a smile, and blew him a kiss. Peter smiled at his parents before leaving the room. Tony handed the tray to Loki (who was now sitting up) before taking his plate and cup of orange juice. He set the juice on the nightstand and the plate on the bed in front of him. She rolled her eyes but started cutting into her pancakes. 

"Anthony," she scolded. "I am not fragile. You can keep the tray." He glanced to her and shrugged. 

"Nah, you keep it," Tony told her, biting into his breakfast. "Because if you were to put the plate on the bed you wouldn't be able eat over it. You know, with your stomach and everything." He tried his hardest to keep himself from laughing. However, he did not exceed. Loki at first just rolled her eyes before it clicked in her mind what he said. 

Her eyes widened before narrowing in on Tony. He smirked, taking another bite of his food. Scrunching her nose, she grabbed the pillow and smacked Tony with it. He coughed a few times, spiting up the pancakes he was trying to swallow. She smacked him again, less aggressively this time. He glared at her once he recovered from his coughing fit. The pillow stayed in her firm grip but she didn't appear to be plotting another attack.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed. 

"I can ask you the same thing," she remarked, glaring daggers at him. "Who exactly got us into this mess in the first place?" she asked, pointing at her stomach. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her. "I believe this is your fault and you deserve proper punishment." He smirked and leaned closer to her. 

"Oh yeah?" She nodded. "And, uh, what kind of punishment am I getting, my darling wife?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

"Not the good type of punishment, idiot." He pouted and went back to his breakfast. "Make another wise crack about anything and you'll be sleeping in the dog house." Tony turned to her, mouth wide open. "And before you start, no, we are not getting a dog any time soon. We're already going to have one drooling mess crawling around on all fours on our hands." Tony nodded. 

"So what you're saying is we can get a dog when the kid is older?" 

Loki rolled her eyes before facing him. He fluttered his eyelashes while simultaneously pulling puppy-dog eyes. She watched him for a while before sighing and shaking her head. 

"Fine. I guess we can get a dog once our child is older. But you'll be cleaning up all the dog shit."

Tony smirked. "Deal." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "And hey, you know I'm just teasing with you. I love you, not matter how big you are or will get." She rolled her eyes and went to grab the pillow again but Tony grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. "I'm kidding! Relax with the pillow!" Loki humphed before taking a bite of her food. 

"You know, I suddenly regret marrying you." 

"Ah, come now," he remarks, dramatically draping an arm around her shoulders. "How many times have you said I'm never getting rid of you?" She glared at him. He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Get used to it, baby. I've got a lot more wise-cracks where those came from."

"Then it's a good think my tongue drips with silver." 

25 Days of FrostironOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz