Day Twenty: Hospital Visits

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Peter wanted to make a gingerbread house. Tony had promised him they would if he relaxed on the studying and actually took breaks in between sessions. Now finales are over and Peter would get home from school with plenty of time to build one. There was no backing out of it now (as Loki so graciously brought up every chance she got). It wasn't like Tony was planning on going back on his word or anything; he just really wasn't a creative guy when it came to stuff like that. Or at least that was the lie he told so no one would question him.

Seeing as no one wanted to bake one from scratch, Tony picked up a pre-made kit on his way to pick up Peter. The both of them some how managed to sucker Loki (but she was already planning to help), Natasha, and Wanda into decorating it as well. Peter was so excited he skipped down the halls and down the parking lot before he found his father's car and jumped inside.

"Hey, Kiddo," Tony greeted as he maneuvered the steering wheel to leave. "How were finals?" Peter shrugged.

"They were actually pretty easy. But that also could be because I had photography and web design."

Tony raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Web design, huh?" Peter nodded. "Kid, I hope you mean like website web and not Spider-Man web." His eyes widened before he was rapidly shaking his head.

"No, no, no. God, no! I would be the stupidest Avengers alive if I actually made webs in school." Tony side-eyed him, not truly believing him but not wanting to make a fuss. Peter smiled innocently up at his father. They remained staring--and in Tony's case, side-eyeing--at one another for a while before Peter looked away. "How's Mom?" Tony laughed.

"Clever boy," he complimented. "Trying to change the subject like that. Cute." Peter bit his lip, a small smile appearing on his face. "Your mother is doing just fine." He nodded. "It's just gonna take her some time now that more than two other people know and it's more noticeable."

"I hate to tell you this Dad but I think it might just be because you know," Peter admitted quietly. Tony raised an eyebrow. "Think about it," he continued. "Mom was fine with--Uncle?--Thor and I knowing but now that you know too. . ."

"Are you saying my fiance doesn't trust me?" Tony's grip on the steering wheel got tighter. He wasn't angry--not at Peter nor at Loki--more like worried, insecure, and a tiny bit upset. Did Loki not trust him? Or was the news of their little bundle of joy too much for Loki? Oh who was Tony kidding--of course it was too much for Loki! It would be too much for anyone.

"No!" Peter quickly corrected. "Not at all! I'm just saying that she'd never get away from Thor's overbearing-ness and she's bonded with me over our gender identities." Tony turned the blinker on, staring off into the distance as Peter spoke. "But you. . ." He raised an eyebrow again. "All she can count on is your love for her."

"What's so bad about that?" he whispered.

Peter smiled softly at his father but rolled his eyes nonetheless. "Nothing is wrong with that. But the love Loki's received hasn't always been positive and hasn't always lasted." Tony's shoulders slumped. How could he have been so stupid? "So she's probably just worried you'll abandon her and the baby."

Tony reached across the console and grabbed Peter's hand, squeezing it slightly. "I'd never abandon her, you, or the baby." Peter's smile grew. "I love all three of you too damn much." He started laughing. "Why don't we make a pit stop first? Hm?" Eyeing him carefully, Peter nodded. He started smiling. "Perfect. I know the perfect place to go." 

Instead of going the normal route home, Tony took the closest exit off and followed it until they reached the hospital. Peter's smile dropped enough so it would no longer be considered a smile but the corners of his mouth were still tilted up. Tony offered him a soft, reassuring smile in return before offering him his hand once they got out of the car.

Hand in hand, they walked up to the building together before Tony made his way to the reception desk by himself.

"May Parker?" he asked even though he knew she would be in the same room as last time; she hasn't changed since Peter brought her here way back in summer. The kind-looking older woman offered him a warm smile before typing it into the computer and pulling up her medical records.

"I'm guessing you already know the room number?" she countered. Tony started nodding before she joined in. "Names please?" She gestured to the computer. "So I can put them in her log."

"Tony Stark and Peter Parker-Stark but I believe the older records have him as just Peter Parker." She glanced to the log before nodding. "Can we head up?" The receptionist nodded.

He walked over to were Peter was waiting before offering his hand again. Mustering up a smile, he shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets instead. Tony nodded slightly before doing the same. In silence, they made their way over to the elevator. Once inside, Tony pressed the button for her floor and together they waited patiently as the elevator ventured up. It occasionally stopped on different floors to let people in and out but for the most part it was only Tony and Peter inside.

They stepped out once the doors opened for the last time with them inside. It took them a while of just walking down the hall before they eventually made it to May's room. Tony opened the door but let Peter walk in first. He nodded and stepped inside, his eyes finding May's comatose body laying on the hospital bed. Tony quietly closed the door behind him after he stepped inside. Peter pulled a chair up beside May and held her hand, squeezing his eyes shut. Tony remained by the door.

"Hi May," Peter greeted softly. "I'm sorry I haven't been visiting lately. Just with school and Spider-Maning I haven't found the time. I know I shouldn't be making excuses, I should've still tried to see you. Especially with the holiday coming up." He hung his head, pressing her hand to his lips. "But I can't. . . I can't bare seeing you like this. I should've. . . I should've been there but I wasn't because I was out on stupid patrol duty. If only I had. . ." Peter stopped and looked to May's peaceful face. "If only I had been there. You'd still be here, awake and with us. You could attend Dad's wedding and meet my baby sister or brother." Peter's bottom lip quivered as a few tears fell from his eyes. "Not a day goes by that I don't miss you, May. I love you." Sniffling, Peter stood up and kissed her forehead before making his way over to Tony.

"You did good, Kid," Tony offered, gripping Peter's shoulder tightly. Peter sniffled a few more times before going in for the hug. Tony pulled him closer and held him tightly. "I'm deeply sorry it happened but there's not much we can do." Peter cried into Tony's chest, who rubbed his back soothingly. "It's going to be alright, I promise." He nodded, sniffling and hiccuping as he pulled away, his head hanging.

"I th-th-i-nk i--i-it's time," Peter sobbed out. Tony raised an eyebrow. "T-t-to pu-ll the pl-plu-plug." His expression softened as he went back to gripping Peter's shoulder. Peter continued to sob and hiccup, wiping his eyes occasionally when his vision got too blurry. "She de-ser-r-ve-s to g-o peace-ful-ly."

"Sh, sh," Tony whispered. Peter let out another sob. "Okay, baby, okay. If that's what you want." He nodded, not looking Tony in the eyes. He pressed a gentle kiss to Peter's forehead before lifting his chin to make sure Peter was looking in Tony's eyes. "No one is going to force you either way. Are you sure you want to do this?" Peter nodded again. "Okay. Why don't we have it arranged for after Christmas so we can give her a proper funeral?" Peter wiped his eyes similar to how a child would when he tries climbing into his parents' bed after having a nightmare. Tony nodded. "Okay, I'm taking that as a yes. And hey. Maybe if we wait, she'll wake up. Now wouldn't that be a Christmas miracle?" Peter attempted a laugh, calming down slightly.

"Yeah, it would."

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