Day Fourteen: Dress Shopping

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As excited as they both were for their wedding, Loki still needed to pick out and buy a dress or else she'd be getting married in her battle armor (though she had thought of doing so already). Her plan for today was to go out shopping for her dress with Natasha, Wanda, and maybe Peter then out for a nice lunch. Tony still needed a tux but Loki wasn't responsible for him; he'd need to have a boys night out in order to get his clothes. The thought of ordering the handmaidens to create a custom-made wedding dress for her did cross her mind quite a few times but then she'd have to visit Asgard as female while her father was there and she would much rather poke out her eyes with the end of her helmet than go to Asgard while using she/her pronouns.

Wanda and Natasha were excited to be a part of the choice. Of course it was entirely up to Loki, but she'd model the dresses for them while they sipped champagne and flirted. And all the wedding celebrating was starting to sway Natasha into the marriage spirit. Maybe she'd talk about it with Loki when Wanda wasn't around or Tony when they got home. She wanted it to be special for Wanda which also meant she'd have to get Pietro's permission which would be a story for another day.

Loki woke up at a reasonable time Saturday morning and stretched before rolling onto her other side to face Tony. He was peacefully sleeping, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. She smiled softly, brushing her fingers through his hair. He scrunched his nose for a moment before relaxing. Loki just rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead. She couldn't believe their wedding day was only nine days away followed quickly by Christmas Eve and then Christmas itself. It was like a dream come true--a dream Loki didn't know she desperately wanted to come true until it was staring her in the face. Of course after Christmas they'd still be busy with finding a new house, moving out, and then the looming due date of the surprise Loki was carrying for Tony—a surprise that would last for the next eighteen years.

She bit her lip as one of her hands met the warmth of her stomach.

"Would you like cookies for breakfast, little one?" she whispered to herself, making sure Tony didn't hear her. The baby didn't respond but Loki still got out of bed and made her way downstairs, waving her hand to change her pajamas into a loose fitting green shirt and jeans.

No one appeared to be awake yet so she entered the kitchen, popped off the lid of one of the many containers holding the cookies they made yesterday, and stole three of the chocolate chip ones. With a small smile on her face, she contently ate them before cleaning the crumbs off the table and throwing them in the sink. After putting the lid back on, she started tiding up the kitchen.

They made quite the mess yesterday.

Flour was still covering the counters and chocolate chips were littering the floor. She rolled her eyes and summoned a broom and dustpan before sweeping the chips up and throwing them away. The flour went into her hand and then into the sink; she even wiped her hands together to get all the flour off. She then folded up the open bag of chocolate chips before stashing them away in one of the cabinets. Leaning back against the sink counter, she glanced around the room once more to make sure she had gotten everything. The kitchen looked spotless.

Smiling proudly, she got up and entered the living room where she found Natasha and Wanda exiting the elevator hand in hand.

"Oh great!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. Natasha and Wanda turned to each other, both raising an eyebrow. "We can leave after you two eat breakfast."

"We're not really hungry so we can leave now," Natasha told her. "Unless you want to wait for Peter to get up." Loki nodded.

Together, the three entered the living room and turned on the television while they waited. Wanda flipped through the channels before finding Santa Clause. She put the movie on before setting the remote back on the coffee table. The movie was almost over by the time Peter came down, rubbing at his eyes. Loki leaned back on the couch so she could see him.

"Hey, sweetheart," she greeted. Peter looked to her and smiled softly, raising his hand at a weak attempt for a wave. "Do you want to go dress shopping with us?" His eyes widened before he nodded enthusiastically. She laughed softly to herself. "Okay, go get dressed and then we'll leave." Peter nodded again before entering the elevator and taking it back to his room.


True to her word, the four left once Peter came back fully dressed in his Midtown High sweatshirt. Natasha drove them to the first dress store, parked, and then they all got out.

Loki entered the store first and began to look around. Peter was next, his eyes wide when he saw the selection of wedding dresses they had. Natasha and Wanda entered lastly, their fingers intertwined. Wanda already started to gush just looking around (and Natasha swears her heart stopped just watching her girlfriend).

A worker approached the four and asked if they needed help with anything. They had already lost Loki so Natasha politely told the worker she didn't need help right now but if they ever did, she'd know who to go to. Peter left the two women in search for his mother.

She was standing in front of a broad selection of ballgown dresses when Peter found her. A small smile made its way onto her face when she reached out for one of the dresses to feel the fabric. Silk. Loki nearly about screamed.

"Is that the one?" Peter asked. Loki glanced to him and shook her head.

"No, no. I haven't found the one yet." She glanced back to the selection, her hand running against another dress. "I'll know when I find it.

"Do we at least get to watch you try on dresses before you decide?"

Loki's smile grew. "Of course, Peter." They locked eye contact before he started smiling and she grabbed as many dresses as she could before finding a dressing room. Peter started laughing and signaled for Natasha and Wanda to follow them.

The women came over and sat on the couches in the center of the room surrounded by dressing rooms. Someone came over to Wanda and Natasha with a tray of small snacks and two glasses of champagne. They joyously accepted, clinked their glasses together, and took a sip. Peter laughed a little before someone was offering him apple juice in one of the fancy glasses Wanda and Natasha were drinking from. He accepted with a huge smile on his face.

Loki stepped out of the dressing room in the first dress a moment later. The three turned to face her and watched as she twirled around. Natasha raised an eyebrow to which Loki shook her head. She headed back into the dressing room and changed into the next dress, doing the same thing as before.

She tried on at least twenty dresses (all ranging from ballroom to mermaid) before she came out one last time in the dress. The small sleeves it had were designed to mimic tree branches with small leaves steaming off it. The bodice was small only because it bled out into the large skirt. With a huge smile on her face, Loki approached her friends and did a twirl. They applauded as Loki balled the material in her hands, rocking on the balls of her feet.

"Is this the one?" Wanda asked. Loki nodded enthusiastically. "It's remarkable."

"There is one tiny thing I wish to change about the dress," she admitted.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. Before anyone could say anything else, Loki waved her hand which engulfed the dress in a bright green light. When the light settled, the white and cream dress had transformed into a dark green dress with black detail. She swirled the skirt around once more, her smile growing.

"Now it is perfect."

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