Day Twenty-One: Night Sky

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After everyone retired to bed, Loki stepped outside with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. When Tony was deciding where to build the tower, he apparently picked the right spot to look up at the stars. She could see a limited selection of stars in the night sky from where she stood on the balcony--twinkling and shining their brightest. Nights like these make her miss home; where she could stare up into the multicolored night sky and see everything in their galaxy--including the other realms. But a cabin in the woods might resolve her distress.

With her mug secure in her hands over the ledge, she leaned up against it and continued to peer up at the stars. Snow started to lightly fall from the clouds blocking the sky along with her subconsciously using her powers. Letting out a soft sigh, she closed her eyes and lowered her head. She listened to the bustle of the New York city down below as she took in a few deep breaths.

"I knew I could find you out here," Tony admitted softly as he approached Loki from behind. She smiled and pulled the blanket closer around her as she turned to face Tony, her eyes fluttering open. He offered her a small smile. "You've always loved looking up at the night sky."

"A small habit I formed in my early years," she reasoned with a small shrug. "Nothing too important." Tony approached her before putting all his weight onto his left side against the balcony so he could face her. "Is there something I can do for you, Anthony?"

He shook his head. "Am I not allowed to have a conversation with my beautiful fiance two nights before our wedding?" Loki shot him a look before shaking her head. "Wait, no, let me rephrase! Am I not allowed to have a conversation with my beautiful fiance two nights before our wedding who is also the mother of my child?" She rolled her eyes as she turned on her side to continue the conversation, her cup of hot chocolate in front of her now. Tony sighed. "Look, I was talking with Peter yesterday about the soon-to-be four of us-"

"When you could've just been talking to me about it?"

"-and how you've be acting since you told me." Loki rolled her eyes; she's never appreciated being ignored. Tony pulled the mug away from her and set it on a nearby table before grabbing her hands. She raised an eyebrow as he went in to kiss her forehead. "The second you said yes you were stuck with me till the very end."

She let out a shaky breath. "What?"

"Pete said the reason you felt bad might be because you think I'm gonna abandon you." She nodded slowly. "Well. Here's me reassuring you that you're never gonna lose me." Her shoulders slumped. "And I'm never going to think you're a freak. Not now with your cute button nose-" She scrunched it the second he mentioned it. "-and warm personality but most certainly not when I'm old and grey and you don't look a day over twenty." Loki rolled her eyes but her cheeks lit up a dusty pink. "I hate to break this to you, darling, but you're stuck with me until I die." She shook her head.

"No. I'm stuck with you until I die," she corrected. He raised an eyebrow. "I've never met anyone like you, Anthony. There's no way in Hel I'm going to manage finding a new husband or wife once you're gone." He brushed some of her hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek. "But this also means you're stuck with me and our child." He nodded.

"I know."

"Which means no running away the second the baby comes. We're in this together."

"I know."

"And I've been thinking. I realize you're a billionaire philanthropist and I'm technically a princess of two realms--the rightful queen of one--but I want our child to be raised normally. Which doesn't include rushing off to buy the newest model of everything for them. They can settle with simple."

"Whatever you wish."

Loki continued blabbering on about how they'll raise the child while Tony watched her with contentment clear on his face. Her eyes lit up every time she mentioned the baby which caused more snow to fall down around them. Tony laughed quietly to himself, a smile forming on his lips. She was like Jack Frost with her powers--including the blue hoodie she was wearing. As she grew in excitement while talking, she started using more and more animated hand gestures. Tony's smile continued to grow until he clamped his hands onto hers and kissed her softly. She laughed.

"Alright, calm down, Jack Frost," he whispered. "We don't need to explain to the team how we got more snow than the rest of New York city." She giggled sheepishly, her gaze cast down. He nudged her nose with his. "Or should I say the future Mrs. Jack Stark?" His eyes widened slightly. "I like the sound of that!" She raised an eyebrow. "Jack Stark! Jack for a boy and Jacklyn for a girl." Loki rolled her eyes.

"There are so many things wrong with you already naming our child," she remarked. Tony scoffed.

"We know we're having one, right?" Loki shot him a look and lifted the hoodie to reveal her small but evident bump. "So what's so bad with already picking out a name?" She rolled her eyes.

"Because one, we don't know the gender of the child and two, they're barely even two months developed." Tony rolled his eyes before he pulled Loki closer to himself. "Though I do like the name Jacklyn. Perhaps not Jack if our child is a boy." He smiled warmly and pressed a hand to the side of her bump. Loki closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his shoulder.

"Jacklyn May?" he suggested. She hummed to alert him she heard. "Oh! I don't think either of us told you yesterday. We visited May yesterday."

"Oh?" He nodded though she couldn't see it. "And is she doing better?"

"No." She bit her lip and sighed. "No, she's not." He sighed and shook his head slightly, rubbing circles into her stomach. "Not at all." Loki peered up at him, her chin digging into his shoulder instead. "God, Lokes, I don't know what we're gonna do. Peter turned to me yesterday, tears streaming down his face, and told me it was her time. He's fifteen, Loki, and he's already lost so much! His mother and stepfather, his uncle, god knows who else. He can't. . ." Tony sighed. "He can't lose his aunt too."

"What did you tell him?" she asked quietly, her eyes drooping slightly. He looked down at her. "You didn't actually agree to pulling her plug, did you?"

He quickly shook his head. "No, no. I told him to wait till after Christmas so we could give her a proper funeral." Loki nodded and pressed her lips together. "Which isn't a total lie. No one this close to Christmas is gonna want to fly in from out of state to either one, come attend a funeral or two, come preform one--assuming they went out of state for the holidays." She nodded again. "I told him he might get a Christmas miracle and she'd wake up. But who was I kidding? I only told him that so we'd have a little extra time to prepare everything for her."

Loki stood up, readjusted the blanket around her shoulders, and pulled Tony's jacket closer around him. "Perhaps it is time we all retire from our alter egos. The world has been safe since you destroyed Ultron. I believe it's time we put away our silly costumes and live our own lives." Tony didn't respond. "You already told the team it was time to disband, it's about time you listen to your own advice." He nodded. "And besides, you've got a family to worry about."

They shared a smirk.

"How many times have I told you that you're right already and we're not even married?"

She hummed as she thought before shrugging. "I didn't know I was suppose to keep count but being as it is you and I, I would have to assume an awful lot."

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