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Dedicated to DeathIsAUnicorn

Sofia continued to write her homework. She wrote the last sentence and slammed the book shut.


She suddenly felt like getting some fresh air. She sighed, pushing the chair back and going to the kitchen.

She made dinner for her dad in case he came home before she did.

She opened her door as the cool evening air surrounded her making her sigh in content.

Her house was surrounded by a meadow so the flowers glisten in the moonlight.

She walked deeper and deeper into the meadows, finally reaching her favourite spot. It had a river not more than fifteen inches from where she stood and colourful flowers surrounding her, their sweet smell in the air.

No one knew of this place. Not even her dad.

She walked towards a huge tree. It looked odd standing out in the meadows, but she kept moving towards it until she saw initials on the bark.


She touched it gently with her fingers, tracing it with such care  as if it would to disappear at any moment. 

Sofia had a small sad smile on her face. She really misses her mom. These initials belong to her mother, standing for Claire White, White standing for her maiden name. It was such a beautiful name. When Sofia was young she use to hate her name, cause she always compare it with her mother's name, saying it was beautiful and had a nice sound.

Sofia trailed her eyes at the words written at the bottom of the initially.

It is from the heart that the true warrior comes out.

"Mom, i really wish you were here with me to say these words." She whispered softly.

She then sat under the tree, her back facing the bark. She looked up at the night sky filled with thousands of stars.

So beautiful.

She gazed longer at the stars. The beautiful bright stars that burn with such heat but looks so pure from afar.

The stars that are said to be the billions and billions of soul who have left us and gone to live in the sky. But who still watched over us.

She scoffed. That is just plain old child belief.

She kept staring at the sky but one star looked almost too bright. It looked like it was coming closer and closer. She squinted her eyes to see.

Holy cow, it is coming closer.

It got closer but she didn't have to think twice before getting up and zooming out as far as possible.

The thing passed by her so fast and the gash of air knocked her off balanced.

She rolled on the meadow down the hills. When she stopped rolling she laid on her back groaning loudly.

Oh my. I think a broke a rib.
Or three.

She slowly got up from the ground but not without flinching  and wincing in pain.

I think i need go to the nurse. Or maybe the doctor.

She dramatically limped to where the star thingy crushed.

I'm so stupid. I'm really stupid. What if a big red monster just pops out and eat me? It could possibly be a vampire? Or worse...

She couldn't finish her bickering thoughts cause she reached where the thing landed. And let there say it wasn't all what she expected. Okay, she wasn't expecting it at all.

The thing was really big and it looked like a spaceship.

"Wooh." She exclaimed.

The light was so bright she had to shield her eyes with her hand.

The sound of the engine shuting down made her jump in surprise, but surprisingly, the lights were still on.

The sound of something opening caught her attention and what looked like a door slid open and fog like smoke came out.

No one came out for a moment and she thought it was just empty and the engine got screwed or something. But that thought quickly disappeared when she heard footsteps and a silhouette behind the fog.

Then footsteps became louder and what Sofia saw made her stop breathing immediately.

She forgot how to breathe when a pair of orange purple eyes looked down upon her. The iris where slightly big and serpent like. The pupils where almost small they were barely visible.

The way they flashed predatory like made Sofia's heart pound hard against her ribs.

She gulped loudly and heard other footsteps. From the corner of her eye she could see six silhouette coming out of the ship but her eyes remained on the creature before her. She checked it out even if she was shaking like a damn leaf.

The thing in front of her was really tall, almost as tall as a  full grown tree. The skin looked like that of purplish blue scales

She wore something like a warrior but decent dress which looked like it did not belong to this world. The creature too had long pink hair reaching her ankles.

She didn't have time to look at the rest of the things body when it suddenly moved forward, looking like it was about to grab Sofia when she let an ear piercing scream which sure enough could have been heard all the way to China.

The creature's eyes turned to one of confusion. Like it didn't understand why she screamed. The creature stopped moving and looked at Sofia up and down before returning back to her eyes.

It suddenly moved forward again but Sofia took a step back. The creature looked around the surroundings but Sofia did not have time to read the expression in the eyes.

The creature tilted the head and it would have looked adorable to Sofia if it wasn't for how scared she was right now.

It continued to move forward as Sofia moved backward till she stumbled on something and fell on her butt. Kinda ungracefully, perhaps.

She looked up quickly to see the creature looked,


Now her fear was gone a little and she was confused.

Why isn't it eating me up? And WHY DOES IT THINK THIS IS FUNNY?

Her anger subsided and the fear came back in full force. What she saw made her scream louder than the first time.

The creature's eyes were glowing. And so were its friends.

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