"Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

We can counter their attack

Hit them till the armor cracks" Everyone sings as Carlos, Mal, Evie, Jay, Harry, Gil, and Zoe run for the door, while Uma stands on the small stage in the center of the room.

"This could get a little sticky

How to win this battle

Could be tricky

But I know the best way

Fall back let me lead

You hold the line and we'll

Bring them to their knees" Uma sings as she points for Gil to grab some swords before he throws her one. Zoe joins her on the stage as Jay throws her a sword.

"Swords in the air

If you're with me" Zoe sings as she holds her sword up in the air.

"Yeah" Jay cheers.

"They got us outnumbered one-to-fifty

The victory is ours

Because I've got a strategy

You take the left and the rest

Of you can follow me," Zoe sings as she tells Uma then Carlos and Jay what to do.

"Uh-huh," Uma sings as she pulls Zoe away from Carlos and Jay.

"This is my crew" Zoe sings in challenge as she turns to face Uma.

"Look this is my squad" Uma sings as she takes a step closer to Zoe.

"This is my turf," Zoe sings as she and Uma get chest to chest.

"Oh, my gosh

Look guys we got bigger fish

To fry

Put your differences aside

'Cause now we're on the same side," Evie and Mal sing as they pull Uma and Zoe apart. Zoe and Uma jump off of the stage. "Till the night falls Everyone"

"We'll stay together

Till the battle is done

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

We can counter their attack

Hit them till the armor cracks

Until the night falls

We're aligned

It doesn't mean

That we're on the same side

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

Hit them hard

And hit them fast

They're too heavy to react" Everyone sings as they start to fight the armor, besides Evie and Mal, who are on the stage.

"The situation is getting

Kind of heavy

Hold your weapons tight

Keep them steady

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