The bowling alley was a mile from my school, and I heard people making plans to go there all the time, but I'd never been. "Exactly! You'll pick him up? Thank you, Beverly, you're a lifesaver. You may have to watch him for a few hours until the interview is over."

My toast popped violently out of the toaster as she hugged me tightly, reeking of nicotine and cheap perfume. I didn't remember agreeing, but I'd pick him up. I hadn't seen Manny in a while. After getting ready for school, and after persuading my mom to let me take her car, I left. If I was going to be honest, I liked taking the bus rather than walking or driving because although nobody talked to me, I still valued their company. I could deal with solitude, but I didn't prefer it.

Walking into my high school, I felt like I carried a secret. I'd hung out with Everest Finley, and I would never forget it. When lunch rolled around, I wondered if Everest would be in the library. I, at least, hoped I would meet his Earthly eyes again. But when I entered my spot, he wasn't there. I felt kind of silly for thinking that he would come back.


School was the same old thing. It was as though yesterday never happened, like I dreamed it all up—that I believed that not only had I talked to someone, but that it was Everest. The day was quickly over and I drove to pick up Manny. With the window rolled down, as the colored leaves blew gently in midair, I wished I could take a picture because it was so pretty.

I turned up the radio slightly as Ed Sheeran eased out of the speakers. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as a guy stumbled out of a house, clearly not in the right state of mind, but what caught my eye was the gray hoodie and black hair. Lots of people have gray hoodies and black hair, but it was just too coincidental—a guy of Everest's build leaving from a garage door and stumbling slightly.

Waiting at the red light, I watched as the guy climbed into a Mustang—a replica of the red Mustang that Everest had driven me home in.

It was Everest. And he was in no condition to drive.

At the next given opportunity, I made a U-turn. I was relieved to know that he hadn't started driving yet; actually, the car wasn't even on. When I climbed out of my vehicle, I looked into the window to see Everest sitting in the passenger seat stuffing his face with a hard-shell taco.

He didn't even notice me as he practically inhaled the taco. He looked crazy, with his eyes tinged with pink and the food enabling a satisfied look on his face. He even went to take a bite of his taco and missed a few times. I knocked on the window and he looked behind him.


"Who is it?" he laughed to no one in particular.

I knocked again. "Everest," I called.

He whipped his head around, and smiled. He looked like a giddy little kid with his goofy smile, remnants of his food around his lips. He rolled the window down and rested his chin on his arm.

"Are you stalking me?" he asked, his smile strangely comforting. It was like a glimpse of the old Everest, the one who smiled all the time.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as a slight, foul odor filled my nose.

"I'm just so pea-cc-hh-yy."

The fact that he could barely get the sentence out though his laughter was an indication that I had to get him home.

He started laughing randomly. "I want a cat."

"Why don't you let me take you home?" I asked him, treading lightly.

He stared at me for about a full thirty seconds before he stepped out of his car. I grabbed his keys and locked the car, then slid the keys into my pocket.

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