Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Raven!" Neville shouted. I jumped but winced then saw the blood on my hands. All the teacher's were around me, worry stricken. 

"Who's blood is on my hands?" I asked shakily. I didn't want to know but I needed to know.

"It's yours darling, your strange writing instrument embedded itself in your hand, you began screaming, the students could hear you and were getting worried as were we," Professor Sprout informed me. My hands started to shake uncontrollably and my breathing got louder and louder, buzzing took over my thoughts.

"What's wrong Raven?" Professor Sprout pressed.  I couldn't respond with words I didn't have any, all I could do was pull my body close to my chest and focus on breathing.

"It's the nightmares, she's been having," Professor Slughorn clarified sullenly.

"Nightmares? I've never seen nightmares this violent," interjected Neville. Slughorn started to explain my problem as I tried to attain my composure. My hand stung violently but I would have to wait till I got home to fully care of it. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, cleaned my wound as clean as possible, took some toilet paper and pressed it hard against my hand. Once I got back to my compartment with the rest of the professors I sat down in silence.

"Raven, I've got this herb that should help with the nightmares, just put this in a cup of tea right before you go to bed, one teaspoon ought to do it." Professor Sprout handed me a small package of dark leaves crushed into little crumbs, I took it with a small grateful smile then put it in my trunk.

         We arrived in London at almost eight o'clock and from there I apparated to the gates of Grimmauld Place. With a sigh of relief I clicked the password with the heal of my foot and watched as my house appeared. I opened its familiar door with my stinging hand, the house wasn't dusty like I expected it to be. Molly probably came by once or twice to dust, I thought to myself. I whipped out my wand and muttered a spell that lit all the lights and I made my way to the living room where to my surprise was my family.

"Welcome home Raven!" everyone announced at once. I smiled, dropped my stuff to embrace my family. Molly got the first hug, then Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Arthur. Next was Harry.

"Harry, how have you been?" I asked excitedly.

"I've been doing really well, thanks but I  have to leave, I need to go back to the ministry to get my papers in order but I'll be back tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" I smiled at him and nodded. "Bye everyone, I'll see you tomorrow - Happy Christmas!" he apparated after that.

        After Harry left I saw George, and no smile could have been bigger than the one I gave George as our eyes met each other. I jumped up in his arms and squeezed him as tightly as I could, he did the same. Being in George's arms felt like the most right place in the world. I never ever wanted to leave the warmth of his arms. He set me on my feet then caressed my face with both of his hands, and kissed me on the mouth, everyone started to 'aw' or 'ooh' some clapped as they did and I felt as if I were in a movie or a book. I began to laugh,George took his hands into my own then squeezed though that made me flinch. George noticed the pain that he inflicted and looked at my poorly wrapped hands.

"What happened to you?" he asked a little concerned. I really didn't want to talk about my wounds at that moment but he seemed persistent on my answer.

"I had a nightmare and at the time I was holding a pencil, which is like a quill, and I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand but you needn't worry, I've gotten it taken care of," I tried to make things not uncomfortable. George didn't look too satisfied with my answer but he knew that it would be the best he would get out of me.

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